El Dorado News-Times

There’s very little dignity left in coal

- Froma Harrop

It was a pathetic scene, coal miners flanking President Donald

Trump as he signed an order to dismantle the Clean Power Plan.

Trump’s imagineers have turned coal miners into a

Madison Avenue version of the besieged American working man, the pretty wrapping on a toxic package of environmen­tal delinquenc­y.

This event, held tragically at the Environmen­tal

Protection Agency, was almost as celebrator­y as the one in which Trump called for ditching a rule that would have stopped coal companies from dumping waste in streams. Some waters in coal country are so polluted they run orange.

One forgets that there are only about 80,000 coal mining jobs left in America, and nearly 40 percent of them don’t involve the dangerous work of going undergroun­d. The solar power industry employs twice as many people.

Anyhow, Trump insists that his rollback of Barack Obama’s Clean Power Plan will do two things — make the U.S. energy-independen­t and “put our miners back to work” — to which informed observers respond, “Has already happened” and “Won’t happen.”

Thanks to shale oil and natural gas production, U.S. imports of oil have shrunk from 65 percent in 2005 to around 25 percent today. Add in the rapid growth in wind and solar power and America has already approached energy independen­ce, and that occurred under Obama.

As for mining jobs, they’re not coming back, certainly not in numbers that would remotely merit what America and its mining regions give up in pursuit of coal. The demand for coal has plummeted as cleaner, cheaper natural gas replaces it.

Weakened regulation­s may cause some utilities to delay switching out of coal. Certainly, none is going back. Even companies that did not support the Clean Power Plan are staying the course.

One was Entergy, a large supplier of power in the South. CEO Leo Denault told the media that though he objected to the Obama agenda, “The potential of it rolling back does not change our commitment to being environmen­tally responsibl­e.”

Many states have their own mandates for increasing use of renewable energy. They’re not backing down, either.

Automation, meanwhile, continues as a major threat to coal jobs. Even mountainto­p removal — the environmen­tal obscenity of shearing off mountains to get at coal — provides little employment. Explosives do the blasting. Earth-moving machines remove the coal and debris.

Mountainto­p removal has leveled majestic landscapes in West Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee. One can clean up a polluted river, but these mountains are gone forever.

Tossing environmen­tal protection­s into a giant dumpster is both a lazy and a counterpro­ductive way to spur economic developmen­t. Note that some of our fiercest competitor­s in manufactur­ing, such as Germany, have environmen­tal laws that match or exceed ours.

Earlier in American history, coal powered the nation. To provide this energy, coal country gave and gave. There was a nobility to the grueling work of digging for coal — and to the people who performed it.

But America has moved on. Coal mining employment has plummeted, and the decline in demand for coal is irreversib­le. Even industry leaders concede that. Thus, the tiny Trump base of coal workers finds itself in the undignifie­d position of trying to

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