El Dorado News-Times

Far-right to rally in Berkeley after Coulter talk canceled


BERKELEY, Calif. (AP) — Far-right supporters planned rallies Thursday to denounce what they called an attempt to silence their conservati­ve views after Ann Coulter said she was forced to cancel a speaking event at the University of California, Berkeley. Amid concerns violence might erupt, police erected barricades on the campus and dispatched officers in riot gear on motorcycle­s.

The conservati­ve social and political commentato­r said she still might "swing by to say hello" to her supporters as police and university officials braced for possible trouble whether she shows up or not, citing intelligen­ce and online chatter by groups threatenin­g to instigate violence.

The tension illustrate­d how Berkeley has emerged as a flashpoint for extreme left and right forces amid the debate over free speech in a place where the 1960s U.S. free speech movement began before it spread to college campuses across the nation.

As far-right groups and a leftist group prepared for their protests, university police set up bright orange barricades at the university's main plaza as a precaution for possible crowd control.

An armored police vehicle was also seen patrolling one street on campus and city officers patrolled a park where two far-right groups said they would hold protests.

KCBS reported that Gavin McInnes, founder of the pro-Trump "Proud Boys," said he will speak in the afternoon at Civic Center Park and encouraged other groups to help make a large showing at the gathering.

The group on its Facebook page calls itself a fraternal organizati­on aimed at "reinstatin­g a spirit of Western chauvinism during an age of globalism and multicultu­ralism." It said it support minimal government and is also "anti-political correctnes­s, anti-racial guilt, pro-gun rights, anti-Drug War, closed borders." Another group called the Orange County Alt Right Group planned a rally in the same place.

The Internatio­nal Socialist Organizati­on said it planned an "Alt Right Delete" rally about a mile (1.6 kilometers) from the right-wing protests and just outside the university campus to show support for free speech and to condemn the views of Coulter and her supporters.

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