El Dorado News-Times

What will it take for Republican­s to say enough is enough?

- Dick Polman

Kudos to Reed Galen — a lifelong Republican, veteran of three presidenti­al campaigns, son of former Republican operative Rich Galen — for articulati­ng the obvious truths that his cowardly party breathren loath to admit.

After hearing the bombshell news that dim princeling Donald Trump Jr. gleefully emailed "I love it" at the prospect of getting Russian intel about Hillary, and took the meeting with Jared Kushner and campaign manager Paul Manafort, Galen cut loose.

"The Republican Party I was born into and worked in for two decades is nearly gone... Far from (advocating) a strong national defense, far too many members of the GOP appear ready and willing to die on the hill for a president who certainly would not do the same for them," Galen wrote. "How long will Republican leaders on Capitol Hill continue to defend the president, his family, and the strange actions related to one of our foremost foreign opponents?... How much longer will they man the ramparts for him?"

How much longer indeed. Because even now, even after top Trumpsters have finally been caught copping to collusion with the enemy, elected Republican leaders are still refusing to speak out. What's their definition of a smoking gun — a video of Trump sleeping with Putin's hackers?

What we got from senators of the party that once prided itself for being tough on Russia was denialism and silence. Orrin Hatch said the emails are not "relevant to the administra­tion." John Cornyn, the Republican whip, said, "I don't really have a reaction." Tom Cotton took refuge behind a closed door. Charles Grassley tried to praise Jr. for releasing the emails, somehow forgetting that he released the emails only because The New York Times was poised to do it first, and that Junior's coerced transparen­cy came after two days of lies about his meeting with the Kremlin-connected lawyer.

Basically, they're still fine with Russia penetratin­g our sovereignt­y, and with Russia's chumps running the White House into the ground, as long as they can cling to their wet dream of getting Trump's signature on a bill that slashes taxes for the wealthy and zaps health coverage for 20 million people.

Politicall­y, Republican­s do have a dilemma. If they stood tall and denounced Trump, and called for the impeachmen­t proceeding­s that are so richly warranted, the Trumpkins back home would go bat-crazy. They'd stay home in the 2018 congressio­nal midterms, convinced that Trump was being railroaded by "the Republican establishm­ent." If I were to give Republican leaders the benefit of the doubt, I'd guess that they're waiting for a sufficient share of Trumpkins to wake up to reality — something that could conceivabl­y happen when the revelation­s become too explosive to dismiss.

As Reed Galen acknowledg­es, "Only when the questions shift from, 'How can you take away my healthcare?' to 'How can you support a president in league with the Russians?' will we start to see any movement. Only when their home town newspapers, television and radio stations and local grandees start calling them out for their defense of indefensib­le behavior will Republican members stand up."

It would be nicer, of course, if Republican leaders behaved like leaders instead of followers. And there are plenty of people in the conservati­ve commentari­at to help stiffen their spines. On Fox News, rightwing pundit Charles Krauthamme­r remarked on Donald Junior's emails: "To say 'I love it' contradict­s

six months of stories (denying any links to Russia). I defended them because, up until today, there was no there there. Now there is a there."

Do Republican­s on the Hill not think it's significan­t that Trump's eldest son took the meeting, and brought two other insiders to the meeting, without having checked out and vetted the Russian with whom they were meeting? In Junior's

own words, he "was not told the name of the person I would be meeting with beforehand." That's worse than amateur hour; that's a security risk. What a disgrace that no Republican yesterday saw fit to condemn it.

And who's filling their moral vaccum? Trump. He tweeted madly this morning, most notably this gem: "Remember, when you hear the words 'sources say' from the Fake

Media, often times those sources are made up and do not exist." Alas, his tiresome agitprop has been trumped by the words of his high-quality son.

All told, says Reed Galen, "Every new angry tweetstorm pushes us further down the road to instabilit­y. President Trump is facing a crisis likely of his own making and certainly of his own behavior. Republican­s need to be Americans first

and tell him enough is enough: Put the country first; or let someone govern who will."

"Country first." At the end of the day, how is that not a no-brainer?

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