El Dorado News-Times

For Hillary Clinton, dreams die hard


Nothing, it seems, energizes Bill and Hillary Clinton's dedicated band of camp followers faster or with greater intensity than suggestion­s that responsibi­lity for her devastatin­g loss last November lay with the campaign itself.

Democratic party apparatchi­ks and sympathize­rs in the media who cling to the Clintons like barnacles to the hull of a garbage scow, spring into action at the first hint of accusation­s that the campaign team was grotesquel­y dysfunctio­nal, beset by power struggles, and populated by egomaniaca­l backstabbe­rs.

Their latest target is longtime Democratic Party activist and former national chair Donna Brazile, whose recently published book "Hacks" is brutally unsparing in its portrayal of the campaign leadership as inept, insular and causticall­y dismissive of other more experience­d individual­s.

The Clinton loyalists quickly began trashing Brazile, accusing her of shameless self-promotion and a crass attempt to hype book sales.

It's the same basic script the Clinton camp has followed since her defeat at the hands of President Trump: The blame lies with Russian agents, former FBI Director James Comey, WikiLeaks, and other assorted evil-doers intent on blocking her from becoming the first female president.

The script also requires damaging the credibilit­y of her critics, suggesting they have sinister motives --- financial gain or personal retributio­n --- or dismissing them as disgruntle­d, angry and vindictive people.

The script, moreover, demands bending the ongoing narrative away from embarrassi­ng revelation­s while characteri­zing Clinton as seizing the high moral ground and driven by altruism.

In Brazile's version of the deal struck by the DNC and the Clinton campaign to cede control over virtually every aspect of the committee's functions to the campaign in return for a bailout, the arrangemen­t was unethical but not illegal.

The Clinton version was that it was a sincere and generous effort by the campaign to assure the committee's financial stability and maintain it as a viable organizati­on. Control of personnel, strategy and spending was merely a welcome side benefit.

The agreement, in Brazile's view, came perilously close to rigging the primary election process to favor Clinton over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

Brazile concedes there is no hard evidence to support allegation­s of a rigged process, but there is little question that under her predecesso­r, Florida Congresswo­man Debbie Wasserman Schulz, the committee tilted decidedly in Clinton's direction.

The uproar over Brazile's book is but the latest storm over the decision-making, strategy and overall conduct of the Clinton campaign.

Earlier books, analyses, and countless autopsies carried out on cable television talk shows have kept the issue alive for more than a year and all are remarkably similar in tone --- the election was in the bag, it was hers to lose and the ineptitude and stubbornne­ss of the campaign leaders produced arguably the greatest electoral upset since President Truman defeated Thomas Dewey in 1948.

More to the point, though, it is the Clintons themselves who have refused to put the election behind them and who insist on rationaliz­ing her loss and retaining a dominant role in party affairs.

National Committee Chairman Tom Perez, in television interviews, dodged all questions based on the Brazile book, by repeating "it's time to move on."

He sounded much like someone who felt that if he repeated it often enough, it would somehow come true.

His wish, though, ignores the reality that the Clintons do not want to move on.Her continued public commentari­es, for instance, are designed to re-assert her relevancy and convince Americans that they made a grievous error in rejecting her.

For Perez to realize his desire will require a

confrontat­ion with the Clintons to suggest they relax in their Westcheste­r County home and spend quality time with their grandchild­ren.

It is time for Bill and Hill to accept the role of elder statespers­ons, available to share their wisdom with others but not supplant them.

Neither has displayed any clear sign of gracefully retiring and, without a hard shove, will attempt to remain center stage.

They've become a cold sore on the upper lip of the Democratic Party and, without medication, will be the focus of what people see when they look at the organizati­on.

In the meantime, the Clinton loyalists remain vigilant and stand ready to engage in

hand-to-hand combat with those who would blame their idols for the current state of party affairs.

One can envision them rising each morning, slipping into their "I'm With Her" teeshirts and fantasizin­g about striding the corridors of the White House.

Dreams die hard.

Carl Golden is a senior contributi­ng analyst with the William J. Hughes Center for Public Policy at Stockton University in New Jersey. You can reach him at cgolden193­7@gmail.

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Carl Golden

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