El Dorado News-Times

Feinstein v. Kavanaugh

- Star Parker is an author and president of CURE, Center for Urban Renewal and Education. Contact her at www.urbancure.org. STAR PARKER

While questionin­g Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh about abortion during his Senate confirmati­on hearings, Senator Dianne Feinstein grossly misstated statistics about abortion deaths before Roe v. Wade.

"In the 1950s and 1960s, two decades before Roe, deaths from illegal abortions in this country ran between 200,000 and 1.2 million. That's according to the Guttmacher Institute."

The Guttmacher Institute has very close ties to the abortion lobby, but even their numbers proved Feinstein way off base.

The Guttmacher study actually reported 200,000 to 1.2 million as the number of procedures. Regarding actual deaths, in 1965, for example, there were 200, according to Guttmacher.

When corrected, Feinstein was dismissive of the gravity of her error. "So, a lot of women died in that period," she demurred.

Feinstein's distortion of data points to the agenda driving this new discussion from the left to derail the Kavanaugh vote by any means necessary.

Nothing, certainly not facts, will get in the way of their attempts to control the courts, regardless of any collateral damage done to the reputation of an upstanding and decent man.

Thus we can understand the sudden emergence of Christine Blasey Ford and her claim that Brett Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her in 1982, when she was 15 and he was 17.

As reported in The Washington Post, Ford, a vocal progressiv­e and pro-Democrat donor, wrote to Feinstein, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, describing the incident but requesting anonymity, in July.

Apparently, Feinstein was so moved to keep the letter anonymous that she buried the contents as well as the identity of the author.

Per reports, Feinstein did not ask Kavanaugh about this in her interview with him prior to the hearings. Nor did she question Kavanaugh about it during the hearings.

Suddenly, two months after Feinstein received Ford's letter, she announced she had informatio­n about Kavanaugh that she reported to the FBI.

Then a story revealing the contents of Ford's letter appeared in the press. Days later, Ford concluded her "civic responsibi­lity" compelled her to shed anonymity and step forward, armed with a polygraph test corroborat­ing her story and a seasoned, progressiv­e legal advisor.

How can anyone take this seriously?

Even liberals should concede that in America one is innocent until proven guilty. Particular­ly with 36-year-old allegation­s that are impossible to corroborat­e.

Kavanaugh has had a long, distinguis­hed career, serving as counsel in the White House and for the last 12 years as a federal district appeals court judge. Along with this, he has undergone a half-dozen FBI background checks, with no irregulari­ties arising.

This is now standard fare for Democrats. When they perceive that our constituti­onally defined machinery of government is not serving their farleft interests, they reach into the "dirty tricks" bag and pull out racist or sexual accusation­s to derail things.

This is exactly the swamp in Washington that President Trump was elected to drain.

If Feinstein thought Ford's accusation­s had teeth, then she had two months to vet them. It is a travesty to our system of government and justice to now interrupt the progress of Kavanaugh's confirmati­on with these tenuous claims. Feinstein had her chance.

It is transparen­t that this is about Democrats wishing to cause a delay until after November, opening the door for a new, progressiv­e nominee, should Democrats gain control of congress.

Nothing prevents Democrats from continuing to investigat­e Kavanaugh after he is confirmed -- if they so wish.

The abuse that concerns me now is the abuse of our system of government by devious progressiv­e political operatives.

It is imperative that Republican­s show leadership now, before the election in November, and move forward immediatel­y to vote on Judge Kavanaugh's nomination.

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