El Dorado News-Times

No commutatio­n for Blagojevic­h


President Donald Trump recently suggested, as he has in the past, that he's considerin­g commuting former Gov. Rod Blagojevic­h's 14-year prison sentence on multiple corruption conviction­s.

Judging from Trump's statements, it's apparent that he's much more influenced by the constant pleas for her husband's release by Patti Blagojevic­h than he is by the facts of Blagojevic­h's yearslong crime spree.

Suffice it to say, Blagojevic­h is not only not deserving of a commutatio­n of his sentence, he's not even close. While Judge James Zagel's sentence was lengthy, our unrepentan­t former governor should be grateful it wasn't longer.

"I thought he was treated unbelievab­ly unfairly; he was given close to 18 years in prison," Trump told reporters.

Trump is off by four years in his understand­ing of the sentence. He also is mistaken when he asserts that Blagojevic­h's sole crime was making questionab­le, unfulfille­d promises during a telephone


It's indisputab­le that Blagojevic­h and an assortment of equally corrupt associates turned state government into a criminal enterprise — trading a variety of favors (state contracts and appointmen­ts) for campaign contributi­ons or cash.

There wasn't much in the state that wasn't for sale during his tenure.

There's also another regrettabl­e aspect to Trump's thought process — his resentment of former FBI Director James Comey.

To Trump's way of thinking, anything associated with Comey — directly or indirectly — is suspect.

So because Comey is, reportedly, a friend of former U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, whose office prosecuted Blagojevic­h, the Blagojevic­h conviction­s are somehow tainted.

Trump, obviously, doesn't understand Illinois politics and its pervasive rot.

Following his appointmen­t as U.S. attorney in Chicago, Fitzgerald heroically pursued corruption, going after thieving insiders in both parties.

His office won conviction­s of former Gov. George Ryan and a slew of Ryan associates, and conviction­s of Blagojevic­h and a small army of his associates. It went after criminal misconduct in Chicago city government and targeted top organized crime bosses.

In other words, he went, on a nonpartisa­n basis, after criminal behavior that was both deeply rooted and mostly ignored by prior federal prosecutor­s.

Here's another thing Trump might want to consider before commuting Blagojevic­h's sentence.

Fitzgerald, a member of the University of Illinois Board of Trustees, is no longer the U.S. attorney. Current U.S. Attorney John R. Lausch Jr., a Trump appointee, is.

What is Lausch doing? He, too, is leading multiple public corruption investigat­ions, just as Fitzgerald did. Why? Because this state remains thoroughly corrupt.

Trump should heed the words of four U.S. House Republican­s from Illinois.

"It's important that we take a strong stand against pay-to-play politics, especially in Illinois, where four of our last eight governors have gone to federal prison for public corruption," Reps. Rodney Davis, John Shimkus, Adam Kinzinger, Mike Bost and Darin LaHood said in a joint statement.

Trump should heed the advice of current Gov. J.B. Pritzker, who said "Gov. Blagojevic­h should remain in prison."

Forgivenes­s and mercy have their place — when deserved. But so does punishment.

Blagojevic­h earned his sentence through his flagrant violations of the law, something the president would understand if he familiariz­ed himself with the tawdry facts of the imprisoned former governor's vast criminal activities.

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