El Dorado News-Times

What happened in Iowa and what's next after caucus mess

- By Nicholas Riccardi

The political universe has been turned upside down by the failure of the Iowa caucuses. Traditiona­lly the event provides the first concrete tally after months of speculatio­n about the presidenti­al primary. But Monday night's Democratic caucuses ended inconclusi­vely as the state party blamed technologi­cal problems for preventing it from reporting results. Here are some questions and answers about what happened — and what might come next.

• What Went Wrong?: The Iowa Democratic Party says an app created to compile and report caucus results malfunctio­ned due to a "coding issue," delaying the count. The party says there are no signs of hacking or other intrusion and that the underlying data is "sound." The problem was that the app only reported partial data when the precinct chairs sent the informatio­n to party headquarte­rs.

• Were Problems Anticipate­d?: There were some concerns ahead of time. The caucuses were operating under new, complex rules that required the reporting of three different tiers of results, and that appears to have complicate­d the counting.

The Iowa Democratic Party didn't roll the app out to its 1,678 caucus locations until a few hours before the meetings began Monday night.

Party officials had said they would not be sending the new mobile app to precinct chairs for downloadin­g until just before the caucuses to narrow the window for any interferen­ce, and there wasn't widespread pretesting by volunteers running the caucus sites.

• How Will The Party Determine Who Won?:

The results of each caucus meeting must be tabulated on paper. Party officials are going door-to-door across the state to verify the written results of each caucus meeting and check them against what was reported on the app. This will take time.

• When Will We Know Who Won? That's unclear. The Iowa Democratic Party would not say when it would release full results. It did release the tallies of 62% of the state's precincts late Tuesday afternoon, but they were not enough to call the race. The fractional result showed former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders in the lead of the contest for State Delegate Equivalent­s. Massachuse­tts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, former Vice President Joe Biden and Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar trailed.

• What Are Campaigns Saying? Several campaigns initially jumped into the informatio­n void and announced, perhaps unsurprisi­ngly, that according to their own data their candidate did great in Iowa. But in all of these cases the data was incomplete and the same caveats applied as with the party's subsequent release of partial results.

As the day dragged on, Warren questioned why the Iowa party wasn't waiting to release a full tally. Sanders expressed frustratio­n with the delay but counseled patience. And Buttigieg was emotional at a New Hampshire rally as he spoke of being, at least for the time being, in first place.

• How Will This Affect

Other States? Attention has already shifted to New Hampshire, which votes in a traditiona­l primary on Feb. 11. Another caucus state — Nevada — said it will not use the same app utilized in Iowa.

Once Nevada votes on Feb. 22, things move fast. South Carolina, the final early state, votes on Feb. 29.

Then a mass of 14 states that account for about onethird of the delegates up for grabs votes on March 3, known as Super Tuesday.

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