El Dorado News-Times



To the Editor:

Supporting Trump is O.K.; being wrong hurt the people

I think that any person that supports and upholds the foolish remarks that Trump made about disinfecta­nts and the use to fight the virus that America and the world is fighting at present is crazy. To suggest injecting disinfecta­nts into the human body is delusional and sick in the mind, just like the man that brought up that ridiculous idea.

Trump was as serious as a heart attack when he made that remark. He thought he had stumbled onto a great idea, and he very well may have, but he should not make those wild and unfounded comments on national T.V. Save those comments for private meetings with his advisors and pharmaceut­ical scientists.

We all know that people have enough common sense to not ingest raw chemical or disinfecta­nts, but there are weak minded and mentally sick people, just like the man (the president of the U.S.) that believe it to be true because the president said it. Trump knows that; that, I believe, is why he said it on national T.V. at an official state health briefing about safety against coronaviru­s.

One of the reasons Trump should not be in the WH is that he will make those irresponsi­ble remarks knowing that sick minded people will believe them because the president said them. Those on the platform with Trump are no better than he. They should say no Mr. President, we can not infest disinfecta­nt, it will kill people, damn worrying about losing their job. Trump’s remarks were about causing people to lose their life. No one called Trump on that remark, that is what I saw as the big problem. By those not calling Trump right then on the spot, that made many people think there was some truth to what he said.

It does not matter how many dumb jack-a **** support and defend those remarks Trump made, he has damaged his life. He will always be recorded in the books and the minds as the dumbest president in history.

You supporters do not have to admit the facts, but the world has suffered tremendous­ly because Trump sits in the WH. No amount of lies, finger pointing and claims of fake news is going to change that. The sad part is I do not blame Trump that he is in over his head. I blame you stupid ‘I don’t care’ supporters that urged and encouraged him when you knew he was wrong, making him look like an uneducated clown, trying to perform when the circus has packed up and gone.

—Ralph E. Williams, El Dorado

Dear Editor:

I am a 17-year-old and raised in this town. Last week was Earth Day.

With everything going on now with COVID-19, people couldn’t really get out and celebrate. Every day I strive to take care of our Earth.

There is a gentleman who writes every Sunday in your office. He is wise and really cares about the planet Earth and nature. I have a teacher who inspired me to write about things about I care about. I’m doing my part by recycling drink cans.

Respectful­ly, Bryanna Shaver, El Dorado, AR

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