El Dorado News-Times

Taliban press for U.S. withdrawal

Afghan militants promise ‘reaction’ if May 1 deadline missed

- VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV AND KATHY GANNON Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Rahim Faiez of The Associated Press.

MOSCOW — The Taliban warned Washington on Friday against defying a May 1 deadline for the withdrawal of American and NATO troops from Afghanista­n, promising a “reaction.”

The Taliban issued their warning at a news conference in Moscow, the day after meeting with senior Afghan government negotiator­s and internatio­nal observers to jump-start a stalled peace process to end Afghanista­n’s decades of war.

President Joe Biden’s administra­tion says it is reviewing an agreement the Taliban signed with the Trump administra­tion. Biden told ABC in an interview Wednesday that the May 1 deadline “could happen, but it is tough,” adding that if the deadline is extended, it won’t be by “a lot longer.”

“They should go,” Suhail Shaheen, a member of the Taliban negotiatio­n team, told reporters, warning that staying beyond May 1 would breach the deal. “After that, it will be a kind of violation of the agreement. That violation would not be from our side. … Their violation will have a reaction.”

He did not elaborate on what form the “reaction” would take, but in keeping with the agreement they signed in February 2020, the Taliban have not attacked U.S. or NATO forces, even as unclaimed bombings and targeted killings have spiked in recent months.

“We hope that this will not happen, that they withdraw and we focus on the settlement, peaceful settlement of the Afghan issue, in order to bring about a permanent and comprehens­ive ceasefire at the end of reaching a political roadmap [for] Afghanista­n,” Shaheen said.

He also reaffirmed that the Taliban were firm on their demand for an Islamic government. Shaheen didn’t elaborate on what an Islamic government would look like or whether it would mean a return to their repressive rules that denied girls education, barred women from working and imposed harsh punishment­s.

Shaheen did not say whether the Taliban would accept elections, but he emphasized that the government of President Ashraf Ghani would not fit their definition of an Islamic government.

In previous statements, the Taliban have said their vision of an Islamic government would allow girls to attend school and women to work or be in public life. But in every conversati­on, they emphasized the need to follow Islamic injunction­s without specifying what that would mean.

But even without the Taliban in government in Afghanista­n, The Georgetown Institute for Women, Peace and Security said Afghanista­n was one of the worst places in the world to be a woman in 2020.

Only one woman attended Thursday’s talks in Moscow, and in the two decades since the Taliban were ousted, successive government­s in Kabul have been unable to ratify a law outlawing violence against women.

Meanwhile, the Taliban refused to promise they would not launch a spring offensive despite calls from the United States, Russia and China.

“I started Jihad [holy war] to remove foreign forces from my country and establish an Islamic government, and Jihad will continue until we reach that goal through a political agreement,” said Khairullah Khairkhwa, a member of the negotiatin­g team and who was one of five Taliban freed from U.S. prison on Guantanamo Bay in 2013 in exchange for the release of a captured U.S. soldier.

Washington has been at war in Afghanista­n for nearly two decades, since the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks mastermind­ed by al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden who was based in Taliban-ruled Afghanista­n. The invasion toppled the Taliban regime, but the 20-year-war has made Afghanista­n America’s longest conflict.

The Taliban, who during their rule imposed a harsh brand of Islam, now control about half of the country. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has warned that the insurgents could make even more gains without U.S. and NATO troops on the ground.

The Moscow conference was attended by U.S. peace envoy Zalmay Khalilzad; Abdullah Abdullah, head of Afghanista­n’s National Reconcilia­tion Council; and Taliban co-founder Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar, who led a 10-member delegation. Representa­tives of Pakistan, Iran, India and China also participat­ed.

In a statement issued after the talks, Russia, the U.S., China and Pakistan called on the warring parties to reduce the level of violence in the country — and they specifical­ly urged the Taliban not to pursue a spring offensive.

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