El Dorado News-Times



Pandemic of the Unvaccinat­ed So many of us were so eager to get our vaccinatio­ns so that we could get back to normal living that we forgot that there might be large numbers of people who would not bother to get their shots. Now we are in another pandemic, and this one is predominat­ely of the unvaccinat­ed. The new challenge is to figure out why these people won’t get vaccinated and find a way to persuade them to do so. Otherwise, we’re all still in danger.

An obvious reason, but extremely unlikely, is that they are all suicidal and think Covid-19 is as good away to go as any other. In conjunctio­n with that, they may also be homicidal, hoping to take many of the rest of us with them. This is such an extreme and simplistic view that, as far as I know, it hasn’t been suggested. Probably thought of but not suggested. Even if it were true, there wouldn’t be any way to solve it.

Statistica­lly, the largest group of people not willing to be vaccinated consists of those who identify as Republican­s. It is a party that attracts those who are strongly anti-science: opponents of the theory of evolution, of the existence and solutions to climate change, family planning, and of accepting the safety and effectiven­ess of the anti-Covid-19 vaccines. And since the election victory of Ronald Reagan in 1980, it’s become the party of those who are anti-government. They don’t believe that government should be used to benefit the lives of the people. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ken.) is devoted to preventing the Biden administra­tion from having successes. These are all tough nuts to crack.

The most understand­able and excusable reasons for not getting a vaccinatio­n is a fear of getting a needle in the arm and/or personally having a previous bad reaction to a shot or knowing someone who did – especially another family member. Persuading anti-vaccers such as these might best be done by friends or relatives who can share with them their own positive experience­s. I, for instance, never even felt the needle on my last flu shot or first Moderna shot. On my second shot, I felt a slight pin-prick. No reactions after any of those. I had routine allergy shots for about nine years with minor– and expected – swelling during the first few years.

Otherwise, I’ve never had reactions to shots.

Probably, the best solution is bribery. Individual employers, chain stores or restaurant­s, businesses or organizati­ons, and large corporatio­ns should make it clear: If you want to work for me or for us, you must get vaccinated. Schools should obviously add Covid-19 shots to those that are already mandated for students to come to school. Children under 12 will soon be eligible to receive the shots. School systems and health care facilities should require their faculties and staffs be vaccinated to remain on their jobs. Conservati­ve columnist Ross Douthat has bravely recommende­d sending $100 checks to those who get their shots. David Offutt

El Dorado

Dear Managing Editor,

Barton Public Library’s 2021 Summer Reading Program was a huge success. This year we had 242 children and adults to participat­e in the program. The number of books read over the 6 week period was near 4,000. Each age division read books and recorded the titles in a reading log, and prizes were awarded for every 10 books. At the end of the program, prizes were awarded to a first, second and third place winner in each of the four divisions. The four different groups were: Infants-preschool, children, teens and adults.

In addition, Wednesday’s story time was recorded and posted on Barton’s Facebook page. Story time received 426 views during the program. The children came by the library after story time and picked up art activities correspond­ing with the story.

A special thanks to the following local organizati­ons for their donations to our summer reading program. Without their contributi­ons and generosity, the program would not have been a huge success. The sponsors included: Project South, Union County Historical Society, Union County Genealogic­al Society, Burger King and McDonald’s.

The children and I appreciate the coverage of our end of summer blowout from El Dorado News-Times. Everyone enjoyed the hot dogs, chips, drinks and watermelon slices served at the blowout. The hot dogs and buns were donated by the Veterans Ministries Project South. Sincerely, Karla Nelson Barton Public Library Children Coordinato­r El Dorado

To the Editor:

A special thank you

Meet Me At The Court Youth were blessed to experience an unforgetta­ble time of their lie. On July 1, they were blessed to attend the School Daze Football Camp, sponsored by Mystic Entertainm­ent-Mr. Terry Davis and Honorable Mayor Veronica Smith-Creer. The youth gad a once in a lifetime experience of meeting former NFL football players and learned football fundamenta­ls along with lunch. Thank you also to all who assisted in this wonderful Football Camp. The girls that attended were honored to send the day with our own Honorable Mayor Veronica Smith-Creer. I was told by the girls they learned valuable things that would help them through life. Being respectful was their favorite one. Honorable Mayor Smith-Creer thank you for opening your home and your heart. These girls will never forget this experience.

On July 2, 2021 Meet Me At The Court Youth were able to attend “School Daze”. Horse rides, fishing, volleyball, etc. Thank you Mystic Entertainm­ent-Mr. Terry Davis, Honorable Mayor Veronica Smith-Creer, Mr. Keith Morris Mr. Tyrell Berry, Mr. Richard Dunlap, all of the ladies that prepared and served food and to all that assisted in this unforgetta­ble day, Meet Me At The Court Youth will never forget it. God bless each and every one of you.


Meet Me At The Court Veronica Bailey

El Dorado

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