El Dorado News-Times

Are honeybees dyring off? It depends on whom you ask

It depends on whom you ask

- By Stephanie Sigafoos and Molly Bilinski The (Allentown) Morning Call

ALLENTOWN, Pa. — Talk to a local beekeeper, and the potential consequenc­es of the decline of the honeybee population are alarming, causing problems for pollinatio­n and sending ripple effects through the food supply chain and the entire ecosystem.

Talk to a different beekeeper, and the deaths of honeybees may be overexagge­rated, misleading the public about the supposed peril of billions of the hive-dwelling insects bred for crop pollinatio­n and honey production across the state and around the world.

For all the beekeepers can agree on, that bees themselves perform the daily tasks of keeping the hive running, from attending to the queen to building the comb and defending the nestm they differ on their methods to circumvent decline and protect the insects supporting the state’s biodiversi­ty and agricultur­al industries.

People like Bethlehem’s Paul Snellen teach and embrace the rituals of convention­al beekeeping, including hive treatment options that Snellen acknowledg­es can have some adverse effects. Others, like Rodale Institute’s Mike Schmaeling, prioritize a chemical-free method focusing on the resilience of bees and innovative breeding techniques.

But overall, as beekeepers work collective­ly to manage colony health, they’re still fighting an uphill battle.

Beekeepers in the United States lost an estimated 45.5% of their managed honeybee colonies last year, according to a survey conducted by the nonprofit Bee Informed Partnershi­p. Pennsylvan­ia’s beekeepers reported a 54% annual loss, and Snellen estimates Lehigh Valley losses at around 30%-40% or more.

The numbers prove beekeepers are encounteri­ng mass demise and must constantly work to restore honeybee numbers. They can only do so by honing in on the main causes of colony loss in their operations.

What’s killing the honeybees?

In 2017, beekeepers, researcher­s and conservati­onists from across the state gathered to write the Pennsylvan­ia Pollinator Protection Plan. It outlined threats facing the honeybees and offered advice on how best to protect them.

The recommenda­tions, which included best practices for beekeepers and pesticide use, were spurred by threats to pollinator­s. During the winter of 2016-17, beekeepers across the commonweal­th reported 52% losses in their colonies. Other pollinator­s, like some species of butterflie­s, moths and bumblebees were found to be at risk, too.

However, beekeepers’ losses have remained steady over the last five years, with beekeepers losing about half their honeybee colonies annually.

Pennsylvan­ia’s beekeepers have lost about have their colonies each year over the past five years, according to data from nonprofit Bee Informed Partnershi­p.

Pennsylvan­ia’s beekeepers have lost about have their colonies each year over the past five years, according to data from nonprofit Bee Informed Partnershi­p.

And bees’ worth to people is only increasing. In 2007, the state’s Department of Agricultur­e estimated that each honeybee colony provided $1,659.21 to Pennsylvan­ia’s economy. Last year, the commonweal­th’s apiary industry was worth more than an estimated $76 million.

It’s not just Pennsylvan­ia feeling the economic and environmen­tal impact as colonies collapse. Honeybees are moved around the country to pollinate crops such as blueberrie­s, almonds and apples. That’s why it’s important to ensure the health of both commercial and backyard honeybee colonies critical to food production and supply.

Today, Snellen and other local experts point to a handful of key factors responsibl­e for the largest die-offs: Pesticides and mites Over the last few decades, pesticides have become what beekeepers say are a necessary evil among crop farmers. But those chemicals coat the seeds of many crops, and the amount of pesticides that reside on plants that honeybees pollinate is a huge factor in bees dying off.

Schmaeling says certain farming equipment is also responsibl­e for affecting soil health, coating plants in pesticide powders and depleting soil of essential nutrients and microorgan­isms.

“That land has just been treated and tilled and sprayed. There’s nothing in there that’s beneficial,” Schmaeling said during a recent interview on Rodale Institute’s Kutztown campus. “And all (the convention­al farmers) are relying on is that the seed in the ground is treated and geneticall­y modified to grow. But there’s nothing else … (the soil) doesn’t have any health or life in it.”

Scientists have found that when bees consume pesticides, it can impair their ability to navigate, reproduce and communicat­e with other bees.

“If these bees are, you know, buzzed with certain types of insecticid­es, then they don’t have to be dead, but if their nervous system isn’t working properly, combine that with viruses, combine that with the fact that their strength is not up there because of mites, these things kind of accumulate and can cause problems,” said Marten Edwards, chair of Muhlenberg College’s biology department.

The parasitic bee mite, varroa destructor, is cited by the USDA as one of the most serious pests of the honeybee.

Female mites attach to the adult bees, feeding on their hemolymph, a fluid equivalent to blood found in invertebra­tes, according to the agency. And, when there are a lot of mites present in a colony, they can create malformati­ons like shortened abdomens, misshapen wings, deformed legs or even result in the death of the pupa, the early, immature life stage of a bee.

“So it’s not like we can just ban a certain type of insecticid­e and we’ll be fine,” Edwards said. “It’s not that we can cure the varroa mite problem and we’ll be fine. There are many complex challenges that are really hard to separate from each other.” Loss of habitat

As the state’s agricultur­e industry grows and farmers work to increase yields, both native pollinator­s and managed, nonnative honeybees are losing their habitats, another key issue when researcher­s and scientists look at colony collapses and annual losses.

“Agricultur­al practices have changed that there’s almost no weeds on the borders of our fields, in the fields,” Edwards said. “And if you’re a farmer, that’s a good thing. If you’re a farmer, you don’t want to have lots of weeds in your fields, I get it.”

But it’s not good for the bees, what might look like a just a patch of weeds to people is home for the honeybees and vital to other native pollinator­s, he said.

Dense agricultur­al areas, like in Monroe County, have proven to be an issue for honeybees, Jeremy White of Pocono Apiaries said. He lost about 50% of his bees last year, and said other beekeepers in the area are facing similar losses.

“We need those farms, for sure,” he said, explaining that corn and alfalfa are good crops for people and the agricultur­al industry. “But that is not good for the bees.”

Honeybees need pollen-producing plants, like dandelions, White said.

“I think that’s one of the biggest things you need is more (pollen) because there’s just not enough for them to be able to actually beef up enough for us to be able to get them to kind of start producing honey on time,” White said.

However, introducin­g plants and flowers in urban areas has helped.

“We have a lot of plants around the bees like, and so you actually find a lot of bee diversity right here in the city,” said Edwards, who lives in the West End of Allentown. “You’d be amazed if you look at a plant, look at the tiny little things that you might think flies, or just random bugs, some of them are absolutely beautiful little tiny bees and different types of bumblebees.”

Planting flowers or even allowing patches of weeds and native plants to grow can help bolster bee population­s and combat habitat loss, he said. And, skipping pesticides is important, too.

“There are certain plants like echinacea and goldenrods that are nice to look at, and are really fantastic for pollinator­s. So you can you can have your cake and eat it, too,” Edwards said, noting a small garden can make a big difference. “Even if you live in an apartment, you can work with the neighborho­od to make a bee garden or put some flowers on your balcony.” Beekeeper education The Lehigh Valley Beekeepers Associatio­n has bolstered its ranks to almost 300 members from Lehigh, Northampto­n, Carbon, Berks, Bucks and surroundin­g counties. The group’s mission is to promote the art and science of beekeeping, and Snellen is among its master beekeepers, those considered to have extensive knowledge of honeybee biology and expertise in the proper practices of beekeeping.

Even as a hobbyist, Snellen takes the job seriously. He builds his own beekeeping boxes, and his diverse operation in East Allentown includes treating and feeding thousands of honeybees (upward of 40,000 per box currently, while those population­s can be much higher at other parts of the year).

When honeybees are not able to collect enough food through natural sources, which is known as a dearth, people like Snellen step in. The most common way to help is by feeding the bees sugar water, a substitute for plant nectar that will help to keep the colony alive. However, supplement­al feeding is not practiced or endorsed by all beekeepers and failure to do it right can create more problems.

“For a colony low on food, at a time of year when you have that dearth and there are no flowers and nothing to pollinate, that sugar water can mean the difference between life and death,” Snellen said, while noting the practice creates division among beekeepers and depends on the location and condition of each colony.

The sharing of such techniques and informatio­n among local beekeepers is imperative to sustaining honeybee population­s, Snellen said, noting there is really no oversight for bad backyard beekeepers. While some practices on managing hives can be polarizing, complete neglect and a lack of proper inspection­s of hives is an even bigger problem.

“I believe if you can afford to buy bees, you can afford to manage them properly,” he said. “By not properly maintainin­g your hives, you are contributi­ng to this continuous cycle of issues. Educate yourself and take the proper actions to become a responsibl­e beekeeper.”

The future of beekeeping If there’s one universal truth about beekeeping, it’s that asking the same question to many beekeepers will yield different answers from each.

For White, who serves as secretary for Monroe County Beekeepers Associatio­n, honeybees hit a crisis point decades ago, when mites started infesting colonies across the country. But the advent of treatments has helped sustain colonies since then.

The available informatio­n to protect pollinator­s, coupled with an uptick in beekeeping’s popularity during the COVID-19 pandemic, has created a overwhelmi­ng state of awareness, White said.

“People are more aware of what is happening and are being more of a smart consumer in terms of not even just their own products, but what they want to do themselves or for their own growth in their own environmen­t,” he said.

And it’s a time for action, to protect and encourage native plant growth that pollinator­s depend on and combat habitat loss. To that end, some beekeepers may even turn to agtech, or the agricultur­al technology sector, for solutions.

Bee wise, an agtech startup, has created what it calls the first fully autonomous beehive. The device allows beekeepers to remotely treat their hives and care for the bees, the company’s website says. But experts are skeptical of the technology and its ability to act as a self-contained, autonomous guardian.

“It’s just important to keep the human element,” Schmaeling said. “I guess that’s the thing is that if we want to move things (in that direction), you know … technology is what’s creating climate change, but we’re not going to create hardworkin­g women and men who are hands on with these bees if they have something like that to go into the hives or do the farming for you.”

He likened the thought of an AI-type beehive to why beekeepers have to work together to bolster the honeybee population­s, the same way the bees work together in the hive.

“You know, the queen bee doesn’t make the decisions alone,” he said. “The bees make decisions as a group and as a whole. Their colony is like a super organism. It’s one organizati­on. Within that, they all do stuff together. They make decisions to work together.”

Snellen agreed, noting that beekeepers have a collective goal of stopping the spread of pests and diseases that are detrimenta­l to all bees.

“Maybe organic is going to be the future of beekeeping, and you’ll have these different breeding techniques and going treatment-free. Now, to me, there’s a difference between treatment-free and splitting a hive or re-hiving a queen. Things like that. To me that’s a treatment. But we’ve got to keep the focus on how the bees are surviving, not just that they’re dying.”

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 ?? (Rick Kintzel/The Morning Call via AP) ?? Paul Snellen, master beekeeper of the Pennsylvan­ia Beekeepers Associatio­n, pulls a bee-covered honeycomb board from a hive Aug. 4 in Allentown, Pa. Beekeepers in the U.S. lost an estimated 45.5% of their managed honeybee colonies last year, according to a survey conducted by the nonprofit Bee Informed Partnershi­p. Pennsylvan­ia’s beekeepers reported a 54% annual loss, and Snellen estimates Lehigh Valley losses at around 30%-40% or more.
(Rick Kintzel/The Morning Call via AP) Paul Snellen, master beekeeper of the Pennsylvan­ia Beekeepers Associatio­n, pulls a bee-covered honeycomb board from a hive Aug. 4 in Allentown, Pa. Beekeepers in the U.S. lost an estimated 45.5% of their managed honeybee colonies last year, according to a survey conducted by the nonprofit Bee Informed Partnershi­p. Pennsylvan­ia’s beekeepers reported a 54% annual loss, and Snellen estimates Lehigh Valley losses at around 30%-40% or more.
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 ?? (Rick Kintzel /The Morning Call via AP) ?? A bee roams for a place to deposit its pollen Aug. 4, at a hive in Allentown, Pa. Pollinator population­s in Pennsylvan­ia are experienci­ng several challenges, with beekeepers reporting upwards of 40-50% losses of their colonies.
(Rick Kintzel /The Morning Call via AP) A bee roams for a place to deposit its pollen Aug. 4, at a hive in Allentown, Pa. Pollinator population­s in Pennsylvan­ia are experienci­ng several challenges, with beekeepers reporting upwards of 40-50% losses of their colonies.
 ?? (Rick Kintzel /The Morning Call via AP) ?? Paul Snellen, master beekeeper of the Pennsylvan­ia Beekeepers Associatio­n, uses a smoker to calm one of his hives Aug. 4 in Allentown, Pa.
(Rick Kintzel /The Morning Call via AP) Paul Snellen, master beekeeper of the Pennsylvan­ia Beekeepers Associatio­n, uses a smoker to calm one of his hives Aug. 4 in Allentown, Pa.

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