El Dorado News-Times



To the Editor:

The mayor of our city, since her election, has referred many times to her Movement. Would the mayor please inform the readers and our city just what that means. I am not aware of any writing that she has done to explain exactly what that means. We have read a lot about the job of mayor and the office but is the Movement a city function or a personal agenda of the mayor. Perhaps she could respond in her Mayors Moment column. Thank you Jane Johnson

El Dorado

Letter to the Editor,

I hope to share this opinion to challenge those who are concerned about the condition of our Country, and consider if the Church has lived up to its’ responsibi­lity, to our God! The family, respect for others, personal accountabi­lity, and love for our fellowman, seems to be missing in America today.

After 75 years of attacks on Gods’ values; Mans’ ideas have ultimately, left the Truth of a Moral God and adopted mans ways. Starting with the removal of the 10 commandmen­ts and prayer from our schools, declaring that marriage is no longer just between a man and a woman, but, is now left to the desire of each individual and embracing a perverted life style. Choosing the creature over the creator, rejecting Gods Law, and accepting a culture with no morals!

Professing ourselves to be wise, have we become fools? We that are teaching others, are we embracing those things we teach against? Have abortion and the taking of innocent life now become acceptable? Do we no longer judge a man by the content of his character? I must ask; is this now, what the Church represents?

Paul wrote; for not the hearers of the word are just before God, but, the doers of the word are justified! Jesus warned; “I know your works, because you have left your first love; and again, if you are only luke warm, I will spew you out of my mouth. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten, be zealous therefore and repent”!

Let the Church consider Matt. Chap. 16 and the promise of Jesus Christ! Upon this rock I will build my Church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give to you the keys of

the Kingdom of heaven, and what you bind and loose on earth shall be bound and loosed in heaven.

The question we need to ask; Has the ‘Blood bought Church’ made a difference in our Nation and society or have we turned from the promise? God will hold us accountabl­e.

With that in mind, I challenge the hearts and minds of Gods people and remind each of us, we were called for a purpose; we have a decision to make!

Thank you,

Royce Purifoy

El Dorado

To the Editor

On August 14, 2021 God blessed Meet Me At The Court and Partners Sugartown Riders (El Dorado Chapter), Dr. Steve and Mrs. Nancy Owen and Centro Cristiana New Life A G Church, Pastor Isaura Pulido to sponsor the 8th Annual Sharon Bailey Whitlock “From Court to Class” School Supply and Backpack giveaway held at Mattock Park. I would like to say a special thank you to each and everyone of my partners. This could not hae happened without God and each one that poured and shard your love to make this possible for the children. Honorable Mayor Veronica Smith-Creer thank you for always being present and having strong encouragem­ent for each one in attendance, children and adults. City Councilman Willie McGhee thank you for standing by us and the touching opening prayer and the special trophy presentati­ons. The joy of seeing each child with a smile on their face as they were blessed with a backpack from Centro Cristiano New Life A G Church, Pastor Isaura Pulido and school supplies from Meet Me At The Court, Sugartown Riders (El Dorado Chapter) and Dr. Steve and Mrs. Nancy Owen, Dr. Jed Frisby, Betty Old Fashion, Valarie Smith (In Memory of Thomas Smith). I thank each and every one of you also Shena Caver for the delivery of the bounce house, Mr. Eric and Wanda Iverson “The Grill Masters” for the delicious grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and the DJ. The Kitchen Committee, Valarie Smith, Wanda Iverson, and Aleah Randolph. School Supplies Volunteers: Kensel Green, and the Sugartown Queens. Set-up committees. Jerome Murphy and Mr. Rodney Tubbs and our Treat Table Volunteer Mr. Hill Boomer, Tia Lyons El Dorado News Times, Again I say thank you and God bless each and everyone of you. CEO/Founder

Meet Me At The Court Veronica Bailey

To the Editor:

Fascists on Facebook A pro-Trump White supremacis­t, partisan Republican fan of Fox News from Grover, North Carolina drove his mud-caked pickup truck up onto the sidewalk of the Library of Congress in Washington, D.C. on August 19, 2021 where he parked for five hours.

All the while, he filmed himself on Facebook live-streaming his rightwing political bomb threats against President Biden, Democrats and the residents of D.C., including this pro-Trump terrorist filming his apparently inert, improvised explosive devices all on Facebook for any cross-burning QAnon crackpot to copy.

For some reason, this 49-year-old attempted bomber by the name of Floyd Ray Roseberry seemed to individual­ly personify traitor Trump’s political base as it’s become known generally: a violent, racist, low-IQ, neo-Confederat­e numbskull who is completely out of touch with reality and is in desperate need of psychiatri­c medication, much like the deranged and delusional dimwit Donald Trump himself.

I don’t know if it was the brain-damaged sounding, slow Southern drawl with which this White supremacis­t spoke, or if it was Mr. Roseberry’s bulbous shaved head and unnecessar­ily large pickup truck with unnecessar­ily large tires, but if one were to hypothetic­ally be able to look up a picture of the average Trump supporter in the dictionary… a photo of Floyd the barber from Mayberry (I mean Grover), North Carolina is surely what one would find.

And as far as Floyd’s idiotic insistence live on Facebook that “The South shall rise again”, please! I’ve watched “Gone With the Wind” too, but if you’re actually taking your American history lessons from a pro-Confederac­y, pro-slavery cinematic crapfest that was so racist (even for it’s time) that it actually portrayed Black folks as happy to be enslaved, well then you’re probably too racist and clueless to be cognizant at all.

Speaking of clueless racists, Republican Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently contracted COVID-19 after spending the past several months issuing dictatoria­l edicts from the Governor’s Mansion in Austin against local mask mandates and blocking other necessary public health safety measures, instead of repairing Texas’ broken power grid before the upcoming winter.

Hopeless, hapless Gov. Abbott and his pro-Russian Republican comrade from Canada, Rafael “Ted” Cruz, should both plan on making another mid-winter escape to Cancun, Mexico in the midst of what is sure to be another disastrous­ly deadly power grid shutdown season in Texas. Both Governor Greg Abbott and Senator Cancun Cruz will no doubt continue to complain about law schools teaching “critical race theory” as a manufactur­ed distractio­n from their own personal political corruption and their continuing criminal negligence. Sincerely,

Jake Pickering Arcata, Cali.

Dear Editor:

Don’t bug us, we are worshiping

During this ongoing epidemic the churches are performing somewhere between unevenly and quite badly.

Some of the earliest and worst spreader events were at regular or annual-type meetings held almost to spite authoritie­s.

Then, when stricter policies were enacted, churches cried First Amendment foul and even sued to be relieved of the large gathering guidelines they were subject to.

They wanted to be treated like the God-favorite citizens it has always been clear to them they are.

This is a strange record for a western religious tradition linked heavily to high achievemen­t in medicine, underscore­d by the personal public health leadership of figures like Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad.

Churches today refuse to let go of theology even for a minute in order to survey what they might learn from history, law, health science.

In the very old days, before the teachings of the great prophets dried up like dew on a blade of grass, religion made an effort to encompass and explain everything: nature, nurture, and nations.

But gradually, as the world just got too complicate­d, the churches narrowed their purview down to a few things whose reality can be known (like love and kindness), and others whose reality is less obvious (like the efficacy of sacraments, the substance of miracles, and the society of the afterlife).

How is it, then, that we will ever banish ignorance and violence (and the bug), given that the state lacks ethics, and the church lacks science?

Kimball Shinkoskey Woods Cross, Utah

To the editor,

I was happy to learn there will soon be options available for those of us who want to feed our pets without harming other animals. I’m talking about pet food made from cultured meat. For those who don’t know, cultured meat is grown from cells, without slaughter.

While some companies have been developing these products for human consumptio­n, a Philadelph­ia-based startup — Because, Animals — has been making them for our furry companions. The company recently debuted its first offering, a cat cookie made from cultured mouse meat, at an industry trade show in Las Vegas. Compassion­ate voters should urge their legislator­s to support federal investment in cellular agricultur­e. This will help bring cultured meat to market faster, at a competitiv­e price, for both pets and humans. Besides the animal welfare benefits, this revolution­ary protein is better for the environmen­t and public health. Jon Hochschart­ner Granby, Conn.

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