El Dorado News-Times




Editor’s Note: A roundup of some of the most popular but completely untrue stories and visuals of the week. None of these are legit, even though they were shared widely on social media. The Associated Press checked them out. Here are the facts:

THE CLAIM: Data shows covid-19 vaccines are more deadly than the virus itself.

THE FACTS: An article shared widely on social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Telegram, misreprese­nts data from Scotland to falsely conclude getting the covid-19 vaccine is more dangerous than getting the virus.

In fact, reports of death resulting from covid-19 vaccinatio­n are rare while more than 4 million people worldwide have died from covid-19.

Yet the article claims “more people have died due to the covid-19 vaccine in 8 months than people who have died of covid-19 in 18 months.”

]This bogus claim rests on U.K. data presented without proper context, according to an Associated Press analysis confirmed by medical experts. The article cites data from Scotland’s national public health agency showing that between December 2020 and June 2021, 5,522 people died within 28 days of receiving a covid-19 vaccine.

It compares that number to a report from the National Records of Scotland showing between March 2020 and July 2021, 704 people who had no existing conditions died of covid-19 in Scotland.

But using those figures alone leaves out key context.

Public Health Scotland explains though 5,522 people did die within 28 days of receiving a vaccine, the number includes “all recorded deaths due to any cause and does not refer to deaths caused by the vaccine itself.”

The agency adds this tally of coincident­al post-vaccine deaths is actually lower than the 8,718 deaths that would be expected based on average monthly death rates in Scotland.

Ewan Mathieson, National Records of Scotland communicat­ions manager, told AP out of millions who have received covid-19 vaccine doses in Scotland, a total of four people there have died from adverse effects of the shot. Reducing virus deaths in Scotland to the 704 people without existing conditions is also misleading, because it excludes anyone who had any condition that preceded covid-19 or was listed as a contributo­ry factor in their death.

In total in Scotland between March 2020 and August 2021, there have been more than 10,000 deaths involving covid-19, Mathieson said. The article also points to reports made to the British government’s Yellow Card scheme, a program for reporting adverse drug reactions.

It claims nearly 300,000 adverse reactions and 501 deaths reported through the program are proof the vaccines are dangerous and can be deadly.

That’s not accurate, according to the U.K. government, which explains any member of the public can submit suspected side effects so the Yellow Card reports shouldn’t be considered conclusive.

“The nature of Yellow Card reporting means that reported events are not always proven side effects,” the U.K.’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency explains on its website.

“Some events may have happened anyway, regardless of vaccinatio­n. This is particular­ly the case when millions of people are vaccinated, and especially when most vaccines are being given to the most elderly people and people who have underlying


Sheena Cruickshan­k, a professor and immunologi­st at the University of Manchester, called the piece an “irresponsi­ble article that is using data in an unethical way.”

“Current data clearly shows that unvaccinat­ed people are much more at risk of catching the delta variant of covid and being hospitalis­ed or dying. The vaccines are proving highly effective against protecting against the worst effects of this condition,” Cruickshan­k said.


THE CLAIM: People who have been vaccinated are going to die within six months to five years; covid-19 vaccines will sterilize children permanentl­y; 80 percent of women who have been jabbed have miscarried in the first trimester; people who are vaccinated are banned from donating blood.

THE FACTS: A video clip of a speaker sharing several false claims about covid-19 vaccines during a school board meeting in Ohio made the rounds on social media.

Sean Brooks introduced himself at the Talawanda School District meeting on Aug. 16 as a doctor who has a Ph.D.

According to his website, it’s in education rather than science. No evidence can be found to back up several of the claims Brooks makes in the clip, including his prophecy people who have been vaccinated will die within months or years due to the shot.

Data from millions of people who have been vaccinated shows covid-19 vaccines prevent deaths. The U.S. Food and Drug Administra­tion gave full approval to Pfizer for its vaccine Monday after reviewing six months of safety data.

The FDA had previously granted Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson emergency use authorizat­ion for their covid-19 vaccines based on safety data tracking more than 70,000 people through clinical trials up to two months after they received shots.

“The safety data now exists for a full year and in some cases 18 months,” said Dr. Matthew Woodruff, an immunologi­st at Emory University. “We have seen over and over again no indication­s that the immune responses to these vaccines are functional­ly different to immune responses from other vaccines.”

Furthermor­e, medical profession­als agree covid-19 vaccines don’t affect fertility, don’t cause sterilizat­ion and are safe for pregnant people.

A Pfizer study found just as many people who were given the vaccine became pregnant as those who received placebo shots.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is encouragin­g pregnant women to receive the vaccine, particular­ly since pregnant people at elevated risk for severe disease if they contract coronaviru­s.

Brooks’ comment 80 percent of women miscarried isn’t backed up by any evidence and is contradict­ed by available data. A CDC analysis found 2,500 women who received a dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine before 20 weeks of pregnancy showed no increased risk of miscarriag­e.

His claim vaccinated people cannot donate blood is also false. Blood centers, including The American Red Cross, are accepting

donations from people who have received the covid-19 vaccines and are encouragin­g vaccinated individual­s to give blood.

The American Associatio­n of Blood Banks has said the FDA’s blood donation eligibilit­y criteria includes people who have received vaccines authorized in the U.S.

Brooks didn’t return a request for comment.


THE CLAIM: A study from the Francis Crick Institute in London found Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine destroys a type of white blood cell called the T cell and weakens the immune system.

THE FACTS: The vaccine doesn’t destroy T cells or weaken the immune system. On the contrary, it generates a strong T cell response and boosts immunity, according to experts.

Articles spreading on social media this week misreprese­nt the Francis Crick Institute study, which looked at the ability of covid-19 vaccines to produce neutralizi­ng antibodies against viral variants and did not examine T cells.

“Our work to date has not studied T cells at all,” Francis Crick Institute researcher and study author Dr. David Bauer said.

“All research published to date shows that the Pfizer (and other) vaccines generate a strong, positive, protective T-cell response against SARSCoV-2.” Outside experts confirmed the covid-19 vaccines don’t destroy or damage T cells.

“There’s a lot of data that shows that the vaccines induce strong T cell responses that recognize the virus and probably lead to protection,” said Dr. Joel Blankson, a professor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, who studied T cell responses to covid-19 vaccines.

The claim the vaccines weaken the immune system is also false, Bauer confirmed.

Research from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and others shows the vaccines boost the immune response. The mRNA vaccines work by training the immune system to recognize the spike protein on the surface of the virus to generate an immune response.

The Francis Crick Institute study examined how antibodies generated by covid-19

vaccines are able to neutralize new strains of the virus. Bauer and other experts confirm getting the vaccine offers more protection against the delta variant than going without it.

THE CLAIM: Video shows the second explosion outside Afghanista­n’s Kabul airport on Thursday near Baron Hotel.

THE FACTS: As social media users began sharing photos and footage of Thursday’s deadly attack at Kabul’s airport, several old images and videos were shared as new.

One video showing an airstrike tinting a night sky orange in Gaza, which has appeared repeatedly online since at least Aug. 21, circulated widely with false claims it showed Thursday’s second explosion in Kabul.

“#BREAKING: Second explosion hit Baron Hotel near #Kabul airport where Americans were rescued last week,” one Twitter user wrote alongside the video.

But the video shows an airstrike in Gaza, according to several news reports and social media posts with the video shared days before the Kabul attacks.

The open source intelligen­ce network Aurora Intel and news outlets including Al Jazeera shared the photo online Aug. 21 with captions explaining it showed an Israeli airstrike in Gaza.

A spokespers­on for the Israeli military also shared the video Aug. 21, writing in a caption in Arabic it showed warplanes raiding sites belonging to the Hamas militant group.

Thursday’s bombings near the airport killed more than 100 people, including scores of Afghans and at least 13 U.S. troops, Afghan and U.S. officials said.

It was the deadliest day for American forces in Afghanista­n since August 2011.

This is part of The Associated Press’ ongoing effort to fact-check misinforma­tion that is shared widely online, including work with Facebook to identify and reduce the circulatio­n of false stories on the platform.

 ?? (File Photo/AP/John Raoux) ?? Callahan Funeral Home director Ellis McAninich moves a casket Aug. 10 for display to a room in the home in Callahan, Fla. McAninich has overseen funerals for five people who died from the virus since July. He recovered from a bout with the virus and now plans to get vaccinated. On Friday, The Associated Press reported on stories circulatin­g online incorrectl­y asserting covidd-19 vaccines are more deadly than the virus itself. In fact, reports of death resulting from vaccinatio­ns are rare while more than 4 million people worldwide have died from covid-19.
(File Photo/AP/John Raoux) Callahan Funeral Home director Ellis McAninich moves a casket Aug. 10 for display to a room in the home in Callahan, Fla. McAninich has overseen funerals for five people who died from the virus since July. He recovered from a bout with the virus and now plans to get vaccinated. On Friday, The Associated Press reported on stories circulatin­g online incorrectl­y asserting covidd-19 vaccines are more deadly than the virus itself. In fact, reports of death resulting from vaccinatio­ns are rare while more than 4 million people worldwide have died from covid-19.
 ?? (File Photo/U.S. National Institutes of Health) ?? An electron microscope shows the virus that causes covid-19. The Associated Press reported on stories circulatin­g online incorrectl­y asserting a study from the Francis Crick Institute in London found that Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine destroys a type of white blood cell called the T cell and weakens the immune system. On the contrary, the vaccine generates a strong T cell response and boosts immunity, according to medical experts.
(File Photo/U.S. National Institutes of Health) An electron microscope shows the virus that causes covid-19. The Associated Press reported on stories circulatin­g online incorrectl­y asserting a study from the Francis Crick Institute in London found that Pfizer’s covid-19 vaccine destroys a type of white blood cell called the T cell and weakens the immune system. On the contrary, the vaccine generates a strong T cell response and boosts immunity, according to medical experts.

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