El Dorado News-Times

Biden cites ‘overwhelmi­ng obligation­s’ of U.S. on climate


GLASGOW, Scotland — In a markedly more humble tone for a U.S. leader, President Joe Biden acknowledg­ed at a U.N. summit Monday that the United States and other energy-gulping developed nations bear much of the responsibi­lity for climate change, and said actions taken this decade to contain global warming will be decisive in preventing future generation­s from suffering.

“None of us can escape the worst that is yet to come if we fail to seize this moment,” Biden declared.

The president treated the already visible crisis for the planet — flooding, volatile weather, droughts and wildfires — as a unique opportunit­y to reinvent the global economy. Standing before world leaders gathered in Scotland, he sought to portray the enormous costs of limiting emissions from coal, oil and natural gas as a chance to create jobs by transition­ing to renewable energy and electric automobile­s.

Yet he also apologized for former President Donald Trump’s decision to leave the Paris Agreement and the role the U.S. and other wealthy countries played in contributi­ng to climate change.

“Those of us who are responsibl­e for much of the deforestat­ion and all of the problems we have so far,” Biden said, have “overwhelmi­ng obligation­s” to the poorer nations that account for few of the emissions yet are paying a price as the planet has grown hotter.

As for Trump’s action, Biden said: “I shouldn’t apologize, but I do apologize for the fact the United States, the last administra­tion, pulled out of the Paris Accords and put us sort of behind the eight ball a little bit.”

His words, in seemingly impromptu comments, appeared a break from past comments of many U.S. leaders, who either made little mention of U.S. responsibi­lity for the warming earth or — as Biden himself did on the eve of the climate summit — blamed China as the world’s current biggest emitter of climate-wrecking coal and petroleum fumes.

Over history, scientists say, it’s the United States that has pumped out the most climate-damaging pollution of any nation, as coal, diesel and gasoline powered the United States and other developed nations to wealth.

Biden, who briefly closed his eyes at one point during the speeches, used the summit to announce he planned to work with the U.S. Congress to provide $3 billion annually to help poorer countries and communitie­s cope with climate damage, as developing nations increasing­ly are demanding of establishe­d, wealthier economies.

 ?? (AP Photo/Evan Vucci, Pool) ?? President Joe Biden steps to the podium to speak at the COP26 U.N. Climate Summit on Monday in Glasgow, Scotland.
(AP Photo/Evan Vucci, Pool) President Joe Biden steps to the podium to speak at the COP26 U.N. Climate Summit on Monday in Glasgow, Scotland.

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