El Dorado News-Times

Biden: Hard work ahead to bolster democracie­s


WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden on Friday wrapped up his twoday democracy summit, an event that was more about starting a global conversati­on about how best to halt backslidin­g than producing immediate results or expanding democracy’s reach.

Biden and fellow leaders announced initiative­s to stem autocracie­s from misusing big tech to stifle dissent, enhance election integrity, bolster independen­t media and other modest efforts that the president said would “seed fertile ground for democracie­s to bloom around the world.”

But the U.S. president also acknowledg­ed the path ahead was difficult for democracie­s amid a rise of authoritar­ianism around the globe.

“We know how hard the work is that’s going to be ahead of us. but we also know that we are up to the challenge,” Biden said in remarks to close the virtual meeting.

All told, Biden pledged the U.S. would spend up to $424 million in the next year around the world to support independen­t media, anti-corruption work and more.

The administra­tion sought to frame the virtual summit — a gathering Biden had made a priority during his first year in office — as a launching point for the more than 100 nations invited to collaborat­e at a difficult moment for democracie­s. Biden said he wants to reconvene a follow-up gathering in person next year.

Former NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said the summit was a good “starting point” for a “year of action.”

“I hope the 110 leaders will rally around some basic principles for democratic societies, and the aim should be to strengthen our voice and our efforts to counter the advancing autocracie­s like China, Russia and other autocrats,” Rasmussen said.

The president has repeatedly made a case that the U.S. and like-minded allies need to show the world that democracie­s are a far better vehicle for societies than autocracie­s. It is a central tenet of Biden’s foreign policy outlook — one he vowed would be more outward looking than his predecesso­r Donald Trump’s “America First” approach.

But his first year in office has been a period that he says has been marked by a “backward slide” for democracy around the globe.

In recent months, Sudan’s prime minister was ousted in a military coup, Cuba tightened control of the internet after some of the biggest protests on the island in years, and Myanmar’s military toppled the civilian government and imprisoned leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

Biden has repeatedly taken China and Russia to task for squelching the voices of democratic activists and committing human rights abuses. He avoided direct mention of both nations in interactio­ns with leaders during the summit, but their presences loomed large.

The summit was held as the Biden administra­tion has been pressing Russia’s Vladimir Putin to step back after a massive buildup of troops on the Ukraine border that has created growing concern in Washington and European capitals.

Biden earlier this week said he warned Putin of “severe consequenc­es” if Russia invaded.

Both China and Russia fiercely criticized the summit, with their ambassador­s writing a joint essay ahead of the gathering. They wrote the Biden administra­tion’s decision to hold the summit reflected a “Cold-War mentality” that would “stoke up ideologica­l confrontat­ion and a rift in the world.”

The United States, along with Australia, Denmark and Norway, on Friday announced the launch of a joint effort that aims to stem the misuse of technology by authoritar­ian powers to stifle dissent and seeks to help develop new tech innovation­s that support human rights.

The initiative, in part, calls for establishi­ng a voluntary written code of conduct that’s meant to guide government and tech companies on human rights criteria for export and licensing policy. Under the global charter for digital public goods, government­s, civil society groups, software engineers and tech companies would declare principles for open source tech products.

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