El Dorado News-Times

Inflation sparks global wave of protests for higher pay, aid


Rising food costs. Soaring fuel bills. Wages that are not keeping pace. Inflation is plundering people’s wallets, sparking a wave of protests and workers’ strikes around the world.

This week alone saw protests by the political opposition in Pakistan, nurses in Zimbabwe, unionized workers in Belgium, railway workers in Britain, Indigenous people in Ecuador, hundreds of U.S. pilots and some European airline workers. Sri Lanka’s prime minister declared an economic collapse Wednesday after weeks of political turmoil.

Economists say Russia’s war in Ukraine amplified inflation by further pushing up the cost of energy and prices of fertilizer, grains and cooking oils as farmers struggle to grow and export crops in one of the world’s key agricultur­al regions.

As prices rise, inflation threatens to exacerbate inequaliti­es and widen the gap between billions of people struggling to cover their costs and those who are able to keep spending.

“We are not all in this together,” said Matt Grainger, head of inequality policy at antipovert­y organizati­on Oxfam. “How many of the richest even know what a loaf of bread costs? They don’t really, they just absorb the prices.”

Oxfam is calling on the Group of 7 leading industrial­ized nations, which are holding their annual summit this weekend in Germany, to provide debt relief to developing economies and to tax corporatio­ns on excess profits.

“This isn’t just a standalone crisis. It’s coming off the back of an appalling pandemic that fueled increased inequality worldwide,” Grainger said. “I think we will see more and more protests.”

The demonstrat­ions have caught the attention of government­s, which have responded to soaring consumer prices with support measures like expanded subsidies for utility bills and cuts to fuel taxes. Often, that offers little relief because energy markets are volatile. Central banks are trying to ease inflation by raising interest rates.

Meanwhile, striking workers have pressured employers to engage in talks on raising wages to keep up with rising prices.

Eddie Dempsey, a senior official with Britain’s Rail, Maritime and Transport Union, which brought U.K. train services to a near standstill with strikes this week, said there are going to be more demands for pay increases across other sectors.

“It’s about time Britain had a pay rise. Wages have been falling for 30 years and corporate profits have been going through the roof,” Dempsey said.

Last week, thousands of truckers in South Korea ended an eight-day strike that caused shipment delays as they called for minimum wage guarantees amid soaring fuel prices. Months earlier, some 10,000 kilometers (6,200 miles) away, truckers in Spain went on strike to protest fuel prices.

Peru’s government imposed a brief curfew after protests against fuel and food prices turned violent in April. Truckers and other transport workers also had gone on strike and blocked key highways.

Protests over the cost of living ousted Sri Lanka’s prime minister last month. Middle-class families say they’re forced to skip meals because of the island nation’s economic crisis, prompting them to contemplat­e leaving the country altogether.

The situation is particular­ly dire for refugees and the poor in conflict areas such as Afghanista­n, Yemen, Myanmar and Haiti, where fighting has forced people to flee their homes and rely on aid organizati­ons, themselves struggling to raise money.

“How much for my kidney?” is the question most asked of one of Kenya’s largest hospitals. Kenyatta National Hospital reminded people on Facebook this week that selling human organs is illegal.

For the middle class in Europe, it’s become more expensive to commute to work and put food on the table.

“Increase our salaries. Now!” chanted thousands of unionized workers in Brussels this week.

“I came here to defend the purchasing power of citizens because demonstrat­ing is the only way to make change,” protester Genevieve Cordier said. “We cannot cope anymore.

Even with two salaries … both of us are working, and we cannot get our head above water.” In some countries, a combinatio­n of government corruption and mismanagem­ent underpin the economic turmoil, particular­ly in politicall­y gridlocked countries like Lebanon and Iraq.

The protests reflect a sense of growing financial insecurity. Here’s how that has played out in Africa:

— Health care profession­als in Zimbabwe went on strike this week after rejecting the government’s offer of a 100% pay rise. The nurses say the offer does not come close to skyrocketi­ng inflation of 130%.

— Kenyans have protested in the streets and online as the price of food jumped by 12% in the past year.

— One of Tunisia’s most powerful labor unions staged a nationwide public sector strike last week. The North African country faces a deteriorat­ing economic crisis.

— Hundreds of activists this month protested the rising cost of living in Burkina Faso. The U.N. World Food Program says the price of corn and millet has shot up more than 60% since last year, reaching as high as 122% in some provinces.

“As far as this cost of living that keeps increasing is concerned, we realized that the authoritie­s have betrayed the people,” said Issaka Porgo, president of the civil society coalition behind the protest in the west African country.

Protesters condemn the military junta, which ousted the democratic­ally elected president in January, for giving themselves a pay raise while the population faces rising prices.

The Internatio­nal Monetary Fund says inflation will average about 6% in advanced economies and nearly 9% in emerging and developing economies this year. Global economic growth is projected to slow by 40%, to 3.6%, this year and next. The IMF is calling on government­s to focus support packages to those most in need to avoid triggering a recession.

The slowdown comes as the COVID-19 pandemic is still gripping industries worldwide, from manufactur­ing to tourism. Climate change and drought are hitting agricultur­al production in some countries, prompting export bans that push up food prices even further.

 ?? (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez) ?? FILE - Truck drivers protest against the high price of fuel in Madrid, Spain, on March 25, 2022. As food costs and fuel bills soar, inflation is plundering people’s wallets, sparking a wave of protests and workers’ strikes around the world.
(AP Photo/Manu Fernandez) FILE - Truck drivers protest against the high price of fuel in Madrid, Spain, on March 25, 2022. As food costs and fuel bills soar, inflation is plundering people’s wallets, sparking a wave of protests and workers’ strikes around the world.
 ?? (AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert) ?? FILE - A man wears a hat with a photo of European Council President Charles Michel holding money bags which reads ‘I am the crisis, I manage it’ during a demonstrat­ion to protest against the rising cost of living in Brussels, on June 20, 2022. As food costs and fuel bills soar, inflation is plundering people’s wallets, sparking a wave of protests and workers’ strikes around the world.
(AP Photo/Geert Vanden Wijngaert) FILE - A man wears a hat with a photo of European Council President Charles Michel holding money bags which reads ‘I am the crisis, I manage it’ during a demonstrat­ion to protest against the rising cost of living in Brussels, on June 20, 2022. As food costs and fuel bills soar, inflation is plundering people’s wallets, sparking a wave of protests and workers’ strikes around the world.

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