El Dorado News-Times

Letters to the editor


To the Editor:

R. W. Emerson once said: “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path, and leave a trail.”

I know of a man, who walked a path of perfection and always thought of everyone else first; willing to sacrifice for all mankind. For 33 years as he walked this earth, sharing truth and meeting the needs of the people. He was not much appreciate­d by many, but he always walked in faithful obedience and sacrifice, in fulfilling the will of his Father.

Heavy of Heart, he struggled in ‘The Garden’ and prayed, “Father if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; never the less, not my will but yours be done.” Shortly after, he was arrested, and put through a mock trial, that would put anyone to shame! In His agony He cried out “Father, why have you forsaken me?” and His last words, before he died were, “It is finished!”

They removed Him from the Cross and placed his blood stained body in a borrowed tomb and sealed it, but in 3 days He raised again in newness of life, the First of many and securing Life for all who believe.

I now know a Savior, Christ, crucified of man, but, As Lord and Savior, has ascended to stand by The Throne, at the Fathers Right Hand; making intercessi­on for all who choose and accept Him as their Savior. Salvation is free to us, but, priceless to God! ‘He did this for us’!

“Right is Right, even when everyone is against it, and Wrong is Wrong, even when everyone is for it” // W. Penn // Do you ever wonder why nothing in America is going right, and everything seems to be going wrong?

America was founded on the moral laws of a righteous ‘God; creator of all things!’ If you think America is lost and there is no hope; ‘You are wrong’. What value do we place on the future of lives, our nation and Our Children?

The choice is ours! ‘God’ does not send us to ‘Hell’; we choose our destiny, by the choices we make! Do not be deceived, God is still in control from; ‘Creation to eternity’. Thank you,

Royce Purifoy,

El Dorado

To the Editor:

Just drove by the new greenhouse and Ag building on the El Dorado High School Campus. This is AWESOME! I’ve felt, for years, that public schools have put too much emphasis exclusivel­y on a college preparator­y curriculum. I’m not sure what percentage of high school graduates go to college. It’s probably a higher percentage in El Dorado due to the El Dorado Promise. Even with the Promise, however, there are still a significan­t number

of students, who, whatever, reason don’t elect or qualify to go to college after graduation, There should be no stigma attached to this. For too long students have been made to feel that a college degree is the only option to earning a good living. NOT TRUE! Kudos to the high school and district administra­tion and especially to the School Board for their vision and foresight in improving our students’ options to prepare for the future and in broadening the curriculum at EHS to better serve ALL our students. It’s this kind of leadership and wisdom that make it easy for me to support raising our millage to support our school district.

Nelson Post

El Dorado

Dear Editor

None Good But The Father

A mother said of her son he was a good man. He would give you the shirt off his back. A person feeling bless by God will say God is good. Jesus said to the men who call him good Master there is none good but the Father, so what makes God or a man good when it come to God or Man. Good mean never indwell with the presence of sins, when it come to creation it mean perfect. So God is good because of who He is, not what He does. Man is not good because of who he is, not because of what he does. Jesus Christ did not have a sinful nature, so he was not indwell with the presence of sins. So why didn’t he want to call good, because he knew that is was possible that one day on the cross he would actually become sins. Eddie Barnes

Bernice, LA

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