El Dorado News-Times

MAD: Holiday Trail of Lights succesful, will return in 2024


The first Holiday Trail of Lights at MAD went over well with area residents and out-of-town visitors and plans are already underway for the 2024 event.

The holiday attraction — which featured giant inflatable­s; a holiday train; a Santa chair that may be used for family photos; live and talking Christmas trees; LED lights with pixel mapping throughout the MAD Amphitheat­er — opened Dec. 5 and closed Dec. 31.

The trail was free to the public.

In the weeks leading up to Thanksgivi­ng, MAD officials scrambled to flesh out the idea for the new attraction and implement it before the holiday season ended.

The trail of lights launched in the stead of the MAD on Ice skating rink and another new idea: tubing hills.

For the first time since 2019, MAD did not present the seasonal ice-skating rink due largely to rising costs and stagnant attendance.

MAD and the El Dorado Advertisin­g and Promotion Commission, a major contributo­r to MAD on Ice, agreed that the rink needed a refresh but efforts to reinvigora­te the event stalled in 2023.

MAD officials later approached the A&P commission with an idea for tubing hills as a standalone attraction or an addition to the ice-skating rink for the 2024 holiday season.

After extensive discussion­s and a couple of missed deadlines to secure the skating rink, the A&P commission approved a $150,000 funding request from MAD to purchase the equipment for “fake-ice” tubing hills.

MAD and the A&P commission agreed that the attraction could be used year-round and set up in different locations in town.

The funding request was approved in late September, creating a tight timeline that did not allow for the delivery and setup of the tubing hills in time for the 2023 holiday season.

In early November, MAD officials shared with A&P commission­ers the idea for a new attraction that later developed into the trail of lights.

At the time, the attraction did not have a name or definitive design but it had drawn the interest of several sponsors — including presenting sponsor Murphy USA — that would help make the event free to the public.

By mid-November, MAD dropped a few more hints about the attraction, saying that parts that had been ordered with the idea of turning the MAD Amphitheat­er into a “holiday, winter wonderland.”

Details about the Holiday Trail of Lights at MAD were officially announced on Nov. 20, with a Dec. 5 opening date.

Pamela Griffin, MAD president and CEO, previously said the idea for the trail of lights had been part of a long-range vision “of what MAD on Ice could be” but the idea had been put on hold because of the expense of the ice-skating rink.

Joanna Benson, MAD marketing manager, said MAD was excited to finally be able to launch the new holiday attraction, thanks to sponsors who jumped aboard to support the trail of lights.

Along with presenting sponsor Murphy USA, support from the community lent itself to some of the more interactiv­e components of the trail of lights.

Emrich and Scroggins presented the Rudolph Express Train; Timmins Hardware brought in Santa’s Mailbox; and Frosty’s Igloo was made possible by Southern Realty Group.

Ken’s Discount Tru Value Home Center and Diversifie­d Services Lawn and Garden Care Center sponsored the lighted archway and live Christmas trees, respective­ly.

MAD officials said they are still evaluating the trail of lights and looking ahead with plans to enhance the holiday attraction and improve the experience for visitors.

“We already have things to add to the (trail of lights) for the 2024 holiday season, so it’s something we plan on doing again,” Benson said.

“The A&P Commission already approved funding for a tubing hill which will be a major attraction next season. It’ll be something everyone can do,” Benson continued. “Not everyone was able to ice skate, so the tubing hill will be a fun attraction for all ages.”

Offering the perspectiv­e of a parent, Benson also noted, “It was nice to be able to take your kid somewhere that is free, safe, fun and not be worried about how much money you’re about to spend.”

MAD and A&P commission­ers have said they will also continue discussion­s about the future of MAD on Ice.

 ?? (File photo) ?? MAD said that the first Holiday of Lights was a big hit and plan on adding tubing hills in the next incarnatio­n.
(File photo) MAD said that the first Holiday of Lights was a big hit and plan on adding tubing hills in the next incarnatio­n.

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