Enterprise-Record (Chico)

History, and definition, of ‘The Swamp’


I can answer Mark Gailey’s question of 12/22 (What exactly is this “swamp?”). I thank Mr. Gailey for asking.

This swamp is the product of unwavering political party loyalty that was establishe­d 21 years ago. The president of the day was caught lying under oath and obstructin­g justice when the evidence of a blue dress was made public. The State of Arkansas determined he lacked the scruples to practice law and disbarred him, yet his loyal partisan senators decided he was OK to complete his term as president. Party loyalty became the highest of priorities. The existence of a swamp became obvious.

Well-intended citizens win elections and soon learn their political survival depends on joining the swamp as sworn supporters of their team. Many of these newly elected are of meager means. When they leave Congress the swamp treats them to pensions that can amount to five times the median household income of the people in their districts. Their net worth can be in excess of 1,000 times above average. For some, the lure of the swamp is irresistib­le.

It’s been revealed that the swamp created a taxpayer funded money pool earmarked for victims of members of Congress who are also sexual predators. Both the FBI and the IRS are known to ignore shortcomin­gs of those of compatible political conviction and target those of opposing viewpoints, even if they have to falsify data. More and more FBI employees with political agendas are being exposed. Mr. Gailey, this swamp has been identified for you.

— Steve Christense­n, Oroville

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