Enterprise-Record (Chico)

Chicoan explores local trees

- Dan Barnett Dan Barnett teaches philosophy at Butte College. Send review requests to dbarnett99@me.com. Columns archived at https://dielbee.blogspot.com.

“John Bidwell … planted a variety of exotic trees,” writes Chicoan Roger Lederer. Subsequent­ly many groups worked to maintain Chico’s reputation as a “City of Trees.”

During a 1905 celebratio­n thanking Annie Bidwell for the donation of Bidwell Park, she told those assembled that “a sadness has at time oppressed me as the thought has been borne in on me that some day the beautiful, beloved Chico creek would be destroyed by the diverting of its waters and the slaughter of its trees.”

For Lederer, stewardshi­p and awareness are keys to the preservati­on of Annie’s legacy. To that end comes “The Trees Of Bidwell Park” ($19.95 in paperback from Stansbury Publishing) with color illustrati­ons by Carol Burr. It’s a companion volume to the couple’s “The Birds Of Bidwell Park” and is available locally from Made In Chico, Bird In Hand, the Bookstore downtown, ABC Books, and Magnolia Gift And Garden.

The book is dedicated to botanist Wes Dempsey, now retired, who “for over a half century has led trees tours of Chico.” Think of this essential volume as a tour in print form of the park’s tree variety.

From trees found only on the university campus (considered by Lederer “the western end of the park”), to many common species found in upper, middle, and lower park areas, the entries are designed “to stimulate your interest in the tall, stately plants around you …”

The guidebook lists families of trees in the park, shows various leaf shapes, and provides a glossary and index to the trees. But the glory is in the trees themselves, each given a page showing its leaves and the tree’s shape, along with a descriptio­n, general location in the park, and interestin­g facts. Though not comprehens­ive, the listings help readers “see” more clearly what is all around them and too often taken for granted.

There’s the dawn redwood, once thought extinct, which is found on the university campus. Then take the acific ponderosa pine, which grows throughout the park. “Some people describe the scent of the bark as turpentine-like while others smell vanilla or butterscot­ch; some find no smell at all.”

Get the book, then marvel at the trees.

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