Enterprise-Record (Chico)

Family braces for a high holiday

- Amy Dickinson Ask Amy You can contact Amy Dickinson via email: askamy@amydickins­on.com and follow her on Twitter @askingamy.

DEAR AMY » As my home state prepares to legalize recreation­al marijuana, I feel as if a lot of us are unsure of what to expect in certain social or familial situations.

As a middle-aged adult who saw both harmless pot smoking in college alongside plenty of truly frightenin­g problems with marijuana and other substances, I am not a big proponent of using drugs for recreation.

In our family, we have an out-of-state close relative who is a daily user of marijuana, and from what we see on social media posts, he appears to be using from the moment he wakes up, to right before falling asleep — seven days a week.

In his mid-20s, he is unemployed, lives at home, and relies on his parents to purchase his drugs (legal in his home state.)

When he visits relatives in states where recreation­al use is not legal, he insists on bringing his drugs and being allowed to smoke and consume them in our homes, or he threatens violence.

His parents do nothing to stop this behavior and appear to be detached from the issue, while clearly enabling his use of drugs.

We don’t want to tell his family they are not welcome on major holidays, nor do we want to further exclude an adult child who appears to have mental health issues on top of problems with drugs. Nor do we want our young children (or our homes or ourselves) exposed to constant drug use during a multiple-day visit.

What is a good (and healthy) way to approach this and other holidays where this is always an issue?

— Worried Relative DEAR WORRIED » Many people don’t allow smoking of any kind inside their house, so that is one boundary you can easily establish.

If marijuana is still illegal in your state, then you should not allow it in your home or on your property.

Your younger relative is a daily user; his threat of violence if he can’t use is an indication of his substance use disorder/ addiction (and/or other mental health issues, which apparently are not being addressed).

You should convey to these family members: “Marijuana use is illegal in our state. We don’t allow drug use or any smoking in our home. We are looking forward to seeing all of you, and we are giving you a heads up about what our boundaries are. Please respond and let us know that you understand.”

Aside from the smoking issue, do not overly police this family member, or try to discern if he is high. If he threatens violence or is otherwise disruptive, you will have to ask him to leave your home; and, yes, his parents will have to face yet another consequenc­e of their co-dependency.

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