Enterprise-Record (Chico)

Good reasons not to pass a sales tax

- — Nancy Good, Chico

I will make this short and sweet.

The reason people will not pass a sales tax is because they do not trust the council to spend it wisely. If a tax is to pass it must be a dedicated tax, with a sunset date, to be used for specific purposes such as public safety & infrastruc­ture (roads). I have watched

Mr. Ory & Vice Mayor Brown almost throw hissy fits because they don’t get their way.

This council is a do nothing council. They sit and squabble between themselves. There needs to be compromise and the only two willing to do so are Mr. Morgan & Ms. Reynolds. Even our Mayor, Ms Schwab, seems to be afraid to speak up against Brown, Huber, Stone and Ory. Nothing is ever going to get done.

It’s time the majority of the council stop pushing their personal agenda and do what the people of Chico want and need.

— Lanita L. Fedorchuk, Chico

Trump’s behavior far more scary than looting

Jack McWherter needs to read and learn from Amy Gaffney’s letter that was published next to his on the June 21 Opinion page. She explains perfectly how atrociousl­y whites have treated Blacks for the simple reason they have more melanin in their skin than whites. His belief that whites should be free from any responsibi­lity or guilt for the Black man’s plight is exactly the reason we have taken to the streets in protest, because whites will never be able to pay back what we have taken from them and STILL take from them. Until you have had a relative killed for nothing by white police; get constantly pulled over and harassed because of your skin color by a white cop; get followed around and hounded by white store detectives; been hung because you looked at a white woman, you have no right to complain about demonstrat­ors.

As a white woman I am ashamed of whites who are dismissive of black (and brown) people’s mistreatme­nt. Whites are lucky Blacks don’t just wipe us out and we would deserve it.

BTW, saying this is all happening because we’re still angry Trump stole the election is proof you are as out of touch with reality and humanity as he is. We want him gone because he’s an ignorant, bigoted, buffoon who spouts division, lies and propaganda. His desire to be a dictator should anger and scare you far more than a few looters.

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