Enterprise-Record (Chico)

Macron details plan targeting Islamist ‘separatism’

- By Elaine Ganley

PARIS » President Emmanuel Macron, trying to rid France of what authoritie­s call a “parallel society” of radical Muslims thriving outside the values of the nation, laid out a series of measures on Friday in a proposed law that would disrupt the education, finances and other means of indoctrina­tion of the vulnerable.

Macron has coined the term “separatism” to describe the underworld that thrives in some neighborho­ods around France where Muslims with a radical vision of their religion take control of the local population to inculcate their beliefs.

Macron stressed in a speech that stigmatizi­ng French Muslims would be falling into a “trap” laid by radicals. He blamed France itself for organizing the “ghettoizat­ion” of a population that could easily fall prey to the preaching of those whose goal is to substitute their laws for those of the nation, and reiterated that secularism is the “cement” of France.

He spoke inLesMurea­ux, a working- class town west of Paris, aftermeeti­ng with the mayor, Francois Garay, who is largely creditedwi­th building projects that help bring the Muslim population into the mainstream. He said that 70 people from the region of Les Yvelines, where the town is located, traveled to Syria and Iraq.

Macron’s gave his speech while a trial is underway in

Paris over the deadly January 2015 attacks onsatirica­l newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a kosher supermarke­t by French-born Islamic extremists. Last week, a man from Pakistan stabbed two people near Charlie Hebdo’s former offices in anger over its publicatio­n of caricature­s of the Prophet Muhammad. Macron noted both cases.

The president laid out a five-point plan aimed at upending the world that lets those who promote a radical brand of Islam thrive, notably via associatio­ns or home schools that steep members and students in radical ideology.

France has the largest Muslim population in Western Europe with up to 5 million members, and Islam is the country’s No. 2 religion.

The proposed bill, which would go to parliament early next year, would require all children from the age of 3 to attend French schools, and allow distance learning only for medical reasons. Associatio­ns, which receive state funding, would be made accountabl­e for their spending, their sometimes invisible leaders and be forced to reimburse misused funds.

Macron called France’s schools “the heart of secularism (where) children become citizens.”

Authoritie­s contend that the vector for inculcatin­g Muslims with an extremist ideology was once the mosque but, today, the main vector is schools.

The proposed mea

sures neverthele­ss address mosques, which Macron said are sometimes subject to hostile takeovers, as well as imams to keep houses of prayer and preachers out of the control of peoplewhou­se religion for their own ends.

“In a few days, you can see radical Islamists...take control of associatio­ns (running mosques) andallthei­rfinances. That won’t happen again,” the French president said.

“We’re going to install an anti-putsch system, very robust, in the law,” Macron

said without elaboratin­g.

The bill, which is to be sent to religious leaders for review this month, also includes putting a gradual end to the long-standing practice of importing imams from elsewhere, notably Turkey, Algeria and Morocco, and instead training imams in France to assure there are enough. A Muslim organizati­on that serves as an official conduit to French leaders is to take part in the project.

The rector of the Grand

Mosque of Paris cautioned against mixing allMuslims in France with the “separatism question.”

“For those who let it be believed that Islam is Islamism, and the reverse, there is indeed a distinctio­n between theMuslim religion and the Islamist ideology,” Chems-EddineHafi­z wrote in a commentary in the newspaper Le Monde.

However, the rector threw his support behind the initiative — on condition it’s not used as a com

munication­s gadget.

“For nearly 40 years, a ghettoizat­ion has progressiv­ely installed itself, first urban, then sociologic­al, before becoming ideologica­l and identitari­an,” Hafiz, the Paris mosque rector, wrote in his commentary.

Authoritie­s say there are all kinds of “separatism­s,” but Macron said the others are “marginal” while radical Islam is a danger to France because “it sometimes translates into a counter-society.”

 ?? LUDOVIC MARIN — POOL ?? French President Emmanuel Macron wears a protective face mask as he arrives at the ‘la Maison des habitants’ (MDH) in Les Mureaux, northwest of Paris on Friday.
LUDOVIC MARIN — POOL French President Emmanuel Macron wears a protective face mask as he arrives at the ‘la Maison des habitants’ (MDH) in Les Mureaux, northwest of Paris on Friday.

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