Enterprise-Record (Chico)

2 local measures warrant ‘yes’ votes

- By Editorial Board

Three local measures are on the Nov. 3 ballot in Butte County, two in the city of Chico, and one in the El Medio Fire District.

The two Chico measures are city charter changes relating to elections. We recommend yes votes on those.

Measure E calls for dividing the city into districts for the City Council election, rather than having the seven councilors elected at large. Since that’s already happening, this could be viewed as just a cleanup of city law to reflect reality.

If the measure fails, the city will likely be sued for California Voting Rights Act violations.

Measure G would change the charter to allow 18-year-olds to be elected to the council. Currently, you have to be at least 21.

It’s surprising this change hasn’t been made by now. It’s probably a holdover from the 1960s when you had to be 21 to vote.

That was changed because you could be drafted and sent to Vietnam when you were just 18. The unfairness of being old enough to die for your county but not old enough to vote rankled people young and old, and the lawwas changed.

Both Chico measures need just a simple majority to pass.

Measure D is a parcel tax to raise funds for the El Medio Fire District in South Oroville.

Itwould levy annual fees ranging from$60 per residentia­l parcel to $200 for commercial or industrial parcel. Multi-family parcels would be charged $60 per unit and ag or vacant land would be $70 for the first five acres, and $10 for every 5 acres beyond that.

ElMedio is a small district, unusually well integrated with its community. We believe it wouldn’t ask for money it didn’t think it needs.

But with the economy so shaky due to the coronaviru­s and people so cash-strapped because of that, thismight not be the best time for any government to ask for more money.

We can’t recommend a yes vote on this Measure D for that reason. Still, if the community decides it’s worth it, the citizens oversight board included in the measure would probably assure the money would be spent wisely.

Measure D needs a twothirds yes vote to pass.

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