Enterprise-Record (Chico)

You’ll end up paying if Prop. 15 wins

- By Editorial Board

Propositio­n 15 comes with a hefty title: “The California Schools and Local Communitie­s Funding Act of 2020,” that tries to hide what it really is: a huge tax hike.

The initiative is an attempt to roll back part of Propositio­n 13’s property tax limiting provisions. That 1978 measure cut property taxes back to 1 percent of purchase price, and limited assessment increases of the property’s value to nomore than 2 percent a year.

Propositio­n 15 seeks to change the rules for business property. While the 1 percent limitation would remain, it would be based on the current market value of the property, rather than its purchase price.

The change would be phased in from 2022 to 2025, and when complete, the government would haul in an additional $8 billion to $12.5 billion each year, according to the Legislativ­e Analyst’s Office.

The money would be split 60 percent for cities, counties and special district, and 40 percent for schools and community colleges.

But first the state would take a share equal to the amount of income tax revenue it would lose, since property taxes are deductible.

Propositio­n 15 backers say it wouldmake “wealthy corporatio­ns” pay their “fair share” of taxes. But they only it canmake it a “fair share” by changing the rules on some California properties and not others. Is that fair?

And you know the “wealthy corporatio­ns” aren’t going to eat the tax hike. Let’s use a middle number of $10 billion. They’re going to pass that on to you. Each California­n’s share would be about $250 a year if it fell out evenly. It won’t. The rich with their clever accountant­s will pay less, and the poor will pay more.

The proposed law also poses a major threat to agricultur­e, although it claims to exempt farming from the tax hike.

However, every reference to agricultur­e in the text specifical­ly mentions just the land as being exempt.

As buildings, machinery and equipment are considered taxable property, it sure seems like reassessme­nt of barns, processing plants, and conceivabl­y even orchards would be allowed.

The state Farm Bureau Federation is understand­ably opposed. So are we.

Our recommenda­tions on the other state propositio­ns will appear Friday.

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