Enterprise-Record (Chico)

Failing to care for the welfare of Americans


A display of indignant fury is absent in Washington. There is no apoplectic politician demanding attention be given to a stricken nation, just silence as an intellectu­ally deficient narcissist­ic worm grovels at the feet of dictators while spitting on the U.S. Constituti­on.

By refusing to acknowledg­e the COVID-19 pandemic Trump has the blood of 350,000 dead Americans on his hands. His denial of the fact that Russia launched a major cyber-attack on critical elements of our government’s infrastruc­ture is a derelictio­n of duty by the Commander-inChief.

Is it too much to ask these selfish, greed infested do-nothings to dignify the sworn oath of office they took and look after the welfare of Americans? Evidently it is: they’d rather approve of a $1.9 trillion tax cut, with 85% benefiting large corporatio­ns and the top 1% of wealthy Americans, and then look for ways to cut social safety nets to pay for it. Disgracefu­l.

Trump’s relationsh­ip with Russian president Vladimir Putin is troubling and the complicit enabling by congressio­nal Republican­s is treasonous. The Democrats’ timid response to some of his most egregious behavior has at times proven embarrassi­ng.

To paraphrase the lyrics of a song by the late Australian Doc Neeson: “When the rent is too high and the wages are low, Politician­s walk with the devil they know, Hunger burns bright in children’s eyes, While those in power whitewash the lies, Death and despair at the end of the day, In the sacred halls of Congress they look the other way.”

— Roger S. Beadle, Chico

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