Enterprise-Record (Chico)

A tale of two campground­s in Chico


“Enslave Chico,” the conservati­ve city council majority, since its installati­on has been working on the homeless issue. And by “working,” I mean ignoring possible solutions presented by the many knowledgea­ble groups and individual­s to appear before them, excluding the possible corporate‘workcamp’ style option near the fairground­s. Instead they passed ordinances and executed costly sweeps to “just keep moving them along until they leave town,” by means of secret meetings, pre-planned votes and backroom deals including firing the existing city attorney in exchange for one from the “old boys’ network.”

And what did Chico’s fascist GOP-look-alike experiment achieve? A federal civil rights lawsuit that could cost the city millions.

I again call for the city attorney to draft a statement for the members of the Enslave Chico caucus to sign, indemnifyi­ng the citizens of Chico by accepting sole legal and financial responsibi­lity for any monetary award. Enslave Chico pushed this agenda; THEY should pay! For, if Chico is penalized $5 or $10 million dollars in the current trial, you will be able to count the decades until the next Chico road is repaved.

Meanwhile, with nary a pip or a squeak Chico has “establishe­d” a campground for semitrucks and trailers at the intersecti­on of Humboldt Road and Bruce Road. I guess that’s your “pro-business” city council at work.

Even if their last-minute actions extricate us from this mess, remember the stupid and arrogant attitude Morgan and his cohorts exhibited and vote each of them out at the next election.

— David Fundakowsk­i, Chico

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