Enterprise-Record (Chico)

Bad chemistry leads to awkward visits

- Contact Amy Dickinson via email at askamy@ amydickins­on.com.

DEAR AMY >> My husband and I have spent several of the past few summers visiting (his) longtime family friends at their vacation home. They are always very kind and welcoming.

While I enjoy the wife in this couple, I find the husband to be very off-putting.

In the beginning, I put it down to my own distaste and made the best of the situation. I have spoken to my husband about these feelings and he is empathetic and respectful.

I never communicat­e with the husband outside of our visits and have pulled back a little from communicat­ing with his wife.

My husband visits them regularly while working in their state.

Recently, the husband asked my husband in casual conversati­on why I didn’t like him. I think this is a very rude question to ask someone’s partner.

I’m sure my husband said something about it not being true and quickly moved off-topic.

As we are headed out for a visit, I’m nervous that he will ask me the same question.

I cannot tell him that I do not care for him, nor can I pretend that we are best friends. He has never done anything inappropri­ate — but I simply do not like him. I do not trust him and would never be around him if it weren’t for my husband’s long friendship.

Please help me to stay polite. I tend to show exactly how I’m feeling on my face.

— Not Savvy


You don’t like this man. Even though you know that you have conveyed your dislike to him, you now blame him for asking your husband why you don’t like him.

Why blame him? It seems to me that this is a natural question to ask a longtime friend. Surely if he had done or said something offensive to you, he might want the opportunit­y to apologize.

You don’t have to like everyone in the world, and because you can’t seem to pin down the basis of your reaction to this man, you could chalk it up to chemistry.

If you are going to continue to accept the generosity and hospitalit­y offered by this couple, you should also figure out how to sit more comfortabl­y with the dynamic brought up by your reaction to him.

If he asks you directly, you can respond, “I can tell you honestly that you have never done anything to offend me, and I appreciate my husband’s friendship with you. I know it’s awkward, but this really is one of those, ‘It’s not you, it’s ME’ situations.”

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