Enterprise-Record (Chico)

Teaching children about systemic racism


Why must children learn about systemic racism in school? Why can’t we just teach them the good things about our country? Why must we burden them with the bad? Because, if we keep them ignorant of systemic racism and teach them that everyone who works hard will succeed, then they will inevitably conclude that there is something terribly wrong with non-White people, a conclusion that is far from the truth.

For example, according to the Brookings Institute, the net worth of a typical White family is ten times the net worth of a typical Black family. Children see this and wonder why. Is there something wrong with Black people? No; there is something wrong with the system. Schools in Black neighborho­ods are underfunde­d, and job discrimina­tion is rampant. Until 1968, Black people who scraped up enough money to buy a house were blocked by the nearly insurmount­able legal barriers of redlining and restrictiv­e deed covenants. And, for most of U.S. history, any Black person who became prosperous risked being lynched for their accomplish­ments. No wonder there is an immense racial wealth gap!

Children are much better at handling difficult truths than we give them credit for. They know that an accurate understand­ing is essential for navigating through life successful­ly. They want and need the truth, not half-truths or lies. Let’s give them what they need; let’s teach every child the truth about past and present systemic racism in this country. And maybe, just maybe, they can finally end it. — Ann Bykerk-Kauffman,


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