Enterprise-Record (Chico)

2 great leaders for the environmen­t

- — Richard Roth, Chico

I love women. I decided to live in this University town because of them ,,, and Agricultur­e. (My god the soils here are something else! — — but I digress.) There are so many women I admire and have been inspired by, but I call attention to two women with deep Chico roots, who lead and educate for the advancemen­ts of Agricultur­e and Land Use Management. They are bending the arch toward wiser land use — sustainabl­y and regenerati­vely — and doing so working successful­ly from the margins.

The first is Kelpie Wilson, a CSU graduate and engineer who is bridging the gap between the archaeolog­ical wisdom of man-made soils called terra-preta and incorporat­ing the applicatio­n of technology and science of biochar to the spectrum of Land Management Practices.

The other is, Ali Meders-Knight, local artist, teacher, and Master Traditiona­l Ecological Knowledge (TEK) Practition­er of the Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria. This past year she gave testimony in Washington D.C. to bringing Traditiona­l Environmen­tal Knowledge to management of Natural Resource Management practices. Closer to home she teaches and demonstrat­es regenerati­ve land and healing skills at the Verbenum Fields site along the Lindo Channel almost weekly. Her art is featured in murals and galleries.

To anyone caring about the environmen­t, you would not be remiss in following the activities of these two outstandin­g leaders.

In the meantime you might run into them or their influences at the upcoming events of the Butte County Fire Safety Council @ https://buttefires­afe.net/events/.

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