Enterprise-Record (Chico)

Gleaning quotes from around the internet


More quotable quotes from the “Interwebs”:

— “The metamorpho­sis of Jesus Christ from a humble servant of the abject poor to a symbol that stands for gun rights, prosperity theology, anti-science, limited government and fierce nationalis­m is truly the strangest transforma­tion in human history.”

— “The biggest danger of taking your child to a drag show is that a Christian could show up with a gun.”

— “Dear Southern Republican­s: You’ve been voting for Republican­s for 50 years, and you’re still the poorest part of the country. The problem isn’t immigrants, or environmen­tal regulation­s, or the media, or socialism, or Sharia Law, or people saying ‘Happy Holidays.’ The problem is that you keep voting for people who care more about giving tax breaks to corporatio­ns and billionair­es than about helping you obtain the basic necessitie­s of life.”

— “I’m shocked that the guy who lied about his SATs, his bone spurs, the money his daddy gave him, the size of the crowd at his inaugurati­on, the path of a hurricane, his taxes, a pandemic, the election he lost and the documents he stole would lie about donating his salary. Shocked.”

— “The liberal plot to make Republican­s look stupid, also known as ‘Operation Just Let Them Speak,’ is working splendidly.”

— “The problem with the world is that the intelligen­t people are full of doubts and the stupid people are full of confidence.”

— “The Republican­s are the party that says government doesn’t work and then they get elected and prove it.” — Scott Paulo, Chico

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