Enterprise-Record (Chico)

Believing only what you want to believe

- — Barry Johnson, Chico

Self-delusion is allowing yourself to believe something that is not true.

Self-delusion bordering on the pathologic­al, where the authors believe their lies, is most evident in letters submitted by anti-Trumpers to the E-R.

A prime example is the letter “Choosing to believe things that aren't true” on July 14, 2023.

In a clear case of self-parody, Jorge claims “the vast majority of THINKING, patriotic Americans prefer “feeblemind­ed Biden” over Trump.”

The self-delusion has to ignore a CNN/SSRS opinion poll dated May 25 which showed 66% of voters surveyed said a Biden victory would be a “disaster” or a “setback,” and twothirds of the population claim our country is on “the wrong track.” This is just one of many similar polls.

Jorge continues by claiming Bill Barr was corrupt for “whitewashi­ng the Mueller report.” The Mueller report, in fact, was released without any editing by Barr — and notwithsta­nding the deluded partisan hacks who pretend otherwise, the full report was unable to show ANY Trump/Russia collusion.

Jorge's delusion continues by claiming Trump's possession of White House documents was somehow “theft,” despite the fact that, as president, he was entitled to all of them, and more. Even when he was no longer President, his possession of the documents did not mean they were stolen.

However, Biden never — never — had any right to have classified documents in his unsecured garage, (allegedly) guarded by his kid.

Delusion runs deep. My suggestion for Jorge? Stop believing non-truth.

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