Enterprise-Record (Chico)

The unilateral lawsuit that silences California­ns

- By James Gallagher

It's a fundamenta­l betrayal of the democratic process when elected officials are forced into a lawsuit they neither knew about nor approved. This is the grim reality that I and my Republican colleagues in the California State Legislatur­e are grappling with.

Governor Newsom and Democratic Legislativ­e leaders have filed a lawsuit to preemptive­ly remove the Taxpayer Protection Act, a statewide initiative qualified for the November 2024 election, from the ballot.

Why are they so concerned about preventing California­ns from voting on this legally qualified ballot measure? Because it would give voters — instead of politician­s — the power to approve or reject all state or local tax hikes. And after years of endless tax increases with few benefits to show for it, it looks likely to win California­ns' approval next year.

Apparently, even a modest amount of accountabi­lity is too much for the governor and Legislatur­e to accept, so now they are trying to use the courts to stop it.

As one of the four leaders in the Legislatur­e, I was neither informed nor consulted about this lawsuit. No vote was ever taken. No process exists for deciding when the Legislatur­e involves itself in a lawsuit. The only way we learned about it was through media reports and press releases. This lack of transparen­cy is not just disappoint­ing; it's a deeply troubling sign of how many of our elected officials believe they alone get to decide what is best for our state.

As elected representa­tives, we are duty-bound to ensure the people's voice is heard. The Taxpayer Protection Act is a matter that California­ns should decide through the democratic process, not by the courts at the behest of a few.

Democrats often claim that democracy is under threat, yet here they are, using legal maneuvers to effectivel­y cancel an election and stifle the voice of California­ns. And adding insult to injury, they are using taxpayer money to finance this anti-democratic endeavor.

According to our inquiries, the State Assembly has spent taxpayer money to file this lawsuit. This is not just a waste of public funds; it's a slap in the face to every California­n who believes in the principles of democracy. It's a glaring example of how far some are willing to go to undermine policies that place common-sense limits on their political power.

While the governor found time for a week-long trip to China, stood on the Great Wall, and briefed reporters on his epiphanies, he has yet to find the time to explain why he is using taxpayer money to prevent California­ns from voting on a crucial ballot measure. Nor has he explained why he is dragging the State Legislatur­e into this lawsuit, especially when many of us are vehemently opposed to it.

China would undoubtedl­y be proud of what our Governor is doing — using taxpayer resources to silence the voice of the people when they support something he doesn't agree with, much like how authoritar­ian regimes that stifle dissent.

We, the Legislativ­e Republican­s, will continue to oppose any efforts that undermine the fundamenta­l rights of California­ns to express their opinions through the electoral process. Democracy is not a plaything for politician­s to manipulate at will. It's a sacred trust, and any attempt to undermine it should be met with the strongest possible resistance. The people of California deserve nothing less.

Assemblyma­n James Gallagher, the Assembly Republican Caucus Leader, has represente­d California's Third Assembly District since 2014. He residents in Sutter County with his wife Janna and their five children. He can be reached at james. gallagher@asm.ca.gov.

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