
My horse trough takes about 15 minutes to fill with the hose. It is so easy to get distracted doing other chores, waiting for the tank to fill, that I have often forgotten to turn off the water and flooded the paddock. Now I keep a necklace of plastic beads on my water faucet. When I turn on the water, I put the necklace on to remind me that the trough is filling. When I turn off the water, it hangs back on the water spigot. My horses think I dress up in costume jewelry to feed them, and I no longer forget to turn off the water.— Linda Kiesow, Cobleskill, New York

Send your suggestion­s for inexpensiv­e horsecare substitute­s as well as hints for saving effort and time to Hands On, EQUUS, 656 Quince Orchard Road, #600, Gaithersbu­rg, MD 20878; Fax: 301-990-9015; E-mail: EQLetters@EquiNetwor­k.com. Senders of published items will receive selected EQUUS merchandis­e.

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