
Distemper is a contagious, potentiall­y fatal viral disease. It targets a dog’s respirator­y, gastrointe­stinal and central nervous system. Early signs of CDV are variable but can include high fever, nasal discharge, vomiting and diarrhea. Many dogs develop vision problems as their optic nerves become inflamed. If a dog’s nervous system becomes infected, he may develop seizures or paralysis. There is no cure for distemper; with intense supportive care only 50 percent of adult dogs and 20 percent of puppies survive.

► Recommenda­tions: Vaccinate puppies against distemper starting at 6 weeks with injections every three to four weeks up to 14 or 16 weeks of age. Give a booster shot no later than one year after the initial series, and then revaccinat­e with single doses every three years thereafter. Dogs over 16 weeks of age can be vaccinated with a single dose, followed by revaccinat­ion every three years thereafter.

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