Long-eared love


We got Frito Burrito, our chocolate Miniature Donkey, 21 years ago as a weanling (“Eat, Bray, Love,” EQUUS 443). Frito is much more than a companion for any solo horse remaining when everyone else is out for a ride. His other job is being the first turnout buddy for all new horses introduced to the herd. In all the years we’ve owned him, he’s never sustained a serious kick or bite, and he’s quite capable of defending himself with those little hooves.

Sometimes our plan works too well, especially if the new horse bonds with Frito to the point of being overly possessive. He’s also our official ambassador of laughs, as he’s quite opinionate­d, has a bray that will curl your hair and loves to insert himself into any barn activity, whether invited or not. I hope he is in our lives for another 21 years. Susan Hoffman Unionville, Pennsylvan­ia

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