
Changes in gut flora may signal an increased risk of colic in mares who have recently delivered a foal, according to new research from Canada.

In general, postpartum mares are known to be at a greater risk of colic, particular­ly large colon volvulus, a “twisted gut.” But earlier studies have shown that certain factors, such as advanced age or abrupt changes in diet, can exacerbate that risk. Investigat­ing further, researcher­s at the University of Guelph in Canada, along with researcher­s from Michigan State University, devised a study to identify changes in the microbiota of a mare’s digestive tract immediatel­y after foaling.

The microbiota, explains Scott Weese, DVM, “is the community of bugs that are naturally present in a horse’s intestinal tract.” And while its function is still not fully understood, he continues, “we know that gut microbiota has complex and far-reaching effects. Beyond traditiona­l considerat­ions such as digestion and intestinal disease, it’s becoming clear that the microbiota plays a major role in various functions, such as interactin­g with the immune system, which makes it related to conditions such as allergies or inflammato­ry bowel disease.”

The initial study group was based on 221 mares from three Thoroughbr­ed farms in Kentucky. Fecal samples were collected 14 days prior to each mare’s due date, then four, 14 and 28 days after foaling. The samples were all analyzed using gene extraction and sequencing to identify the types of bacteria present in the mare’s gut and their quantities.

Looking at pre- and post-foaling microbiota

population­s among study mares who did not colic, the researcher­s found little change. Among the 24 mares who developed colic during the study period, however, significan­t changes in the microbiota were found, even before clinical signs of gut pain were apparent.

“That’s the interestin­g part,” says Weese. “We didn’t see a change from what we assumed would be a pretty major event (foaling) yet we saw a change in mares that were still clinically normal, but in advance of a colic episode.”

Whether the change in microbiota is cause or effect of colic isn’t clear yet, says Weese, “but since it occurred days before the onset of signs of colic, it’s reasonable to think that we were seeing an initiating effect.” What this means is unclear, but “the microbiota could be involved in many ways,” he says, “such as gas production---more gas means gas colic plus a greater chance of the colon moving out of place---gut motility, inflammati­on and probably various other factors.”

Weese says that the type of microbiota changes identified in the mares could be significan­t. “Different bugs do different things,” he says. “We have certain groups that consistent­ly come up as important in studies of horses and other species; these are mainly the Clostridia order and include a range of bacteria of the Lachnospir­aceae and Ruminococc­aceae families, groups that were unrepresen­ted in the mares that went on to colic.”

While more research into the topic is needed, Weese says monitoring gut flora in postpartum mares would be “an ultimate goal. [We could] identify high-risk mares and potentiall­y restore the microbiota to a normal state to prevent disease.”

Reference: “Changes in the faecal microbiota of mares precede the developmen­t of postpartum colic,” Equine Veterinary Journal, October 2014

 ??  ?? IMBALANCE: After a mare delivers a foal, changes in the compositio­n of her gut flora may indicate impending colic.
IMBALANCE: After a mare delivers a foal, changes in the compositio­n of her gut flora may indicate impending colic.

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