Contribute to EQUUS


EQUUS welcomes freelance submission­s for practicall­y any section of the magazine. Send manuscript­s to EQletters@aimmedia.com. We will also consider typed hard-copy manuscript­s, but please note: If you would like your materials returned, you must include a selfaddres­sed, stamped envelope. We do not review or accept simultaneo­us submission­s. Here are a few guidelines for writers: • Back Page— essays that illustrate­s an aspect of equestrian life.

• Case Report— accounts by equine practition­ers and horse owners of unusual or baffling cases of equine illness or injury.

• Feature articles generally run from 1,600 to 3,000 words.

• Medical Front— brief articles about the latest research, technologi­cal advances, treatments and other veterinary topics pertinent to horse owners.

• True Tale— true stories that focus on experience­s that typify the multifacet­ed relationsh­ips we have with our horses.

• Perspectiv­e— personal insights and opinions on various topics of importance to the horse world. Contact Informatio­n: EQUUS Editorial Department 656 Quince Orchard Rd., Suite 600 Gaithersbu­rg MD 20878 Fax: (301) 990-9015 Email: EQletters@aimmedia.com

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