We discovered trail riding, although for Tucker it was a buffet just made for him. Being so tall, he loved grabbing and munching on branches along the way.


indeed bombproof. Nothing startled or

annoyed him, and soon his playful per-

sonality started emerging.

Tucker was not one to come running

when I came to the gate and called his

name. No sir, he made me walk a half-

mile down a hill to bring him back up to

ride. This became a daily ritual---I feel

he secretly enjoyed seeing me tramp-

ing down to get him. We discovered

trail riding, although for Tucker it was a

buffet just made for him. Being so tall,

he loved grabbing and munching on

branches along the way.

In my second year with Tucker, Lisa

held a small dressage show at her barn.

Tucker and I entered a couple of intro-

ductory classes that required only walk-

ing and trotting. We received a second

and fifth place. For me the real joy

came just from stopping and saluting

the judges at the end of each test----

day, and now, almost two years later, he

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