The old veterinary literature describes two forms of laminitis—inflammato­ry and weight-bearing—that are now well understood. But there is no mention of endocrine laminitis, the type most commonly seen today.


of laminitis that are well understood today. There are accounts of what we would call inflammato­ry laminitis--the intense pain and massive swelling of the laminae that occur in the wake of systemic illness, ingestion of toxic plants or excessive concussion to the feet. Likewise, horsemen of yore were aware of the condition that today is known as supporting-limb (or weightbear­ing) laminitis, which results from mechanical stress---usually on the limb opposite one that has sustained a severe injury.

But there is no mention in the old literature of the endocrine form of laminitis, the type most commonly seen today. Linked to elevated levels of insulin in the blood, this type is usually seen

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