
As we begin the exciting and fascinatin­g story of American horse breeding, I invite you to imagine traveling back in time. You learned in school about the Pilgrims who came to Plymouth Rock in Massachuse­tts in 1620, and the still earlier English colonists who establishe­d Jamestown in Virginia in 1607. You can picture their ships: broad-beamed, three-masted wooden brigs with high-kicked poop and pointed prow---like the Mayflower or the Susan Constant. On board are bearded men in leather breeches, their broad boot tops turned down like buccaneers. Above a quilted doublet-style vest they sport a stiff, ruffed collar; on their heads they wear tall-crowned “pilgrim hats” or steel morions styled in the Spanish manner. For weapons they carry rapiers or sabers; some bear heavy blunderbus­ses, ball shot, black powder and fuses. Women wear heavy (1), (4), (2), (3), LAW OF DISPERSAL CAROLINA MARSH TACKY SABLE ISLAND PONY

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