Another reason for rubbing


“Investigat­ing Tail Rubbing” (Hands On, EQUUS 469) didn’t include one major cause of this behavior that I have observed in my mares over the years---a buildup of dirt and grime between the teats of the udder. I have had several mares rub their tails, but if I just wipe their udders clean once a week with a soft, dry towel, they will stop. My current horse will specifical­ly “park” herself with her butt near me with the direct intention that I give her udder a scratch.

Because this is such a sensitive and generally untouched area, I definitely take my time approachin­g it, but 95 percent of the mares I have owned and worked with over the years generally are quite happy to have their udders cleaned. Sometimes I find quite a buildup, which I am positive must be very uncomforta­ble for them. Most mares will politely let you know when your work is “good enough.” Carolyn Latimer Bowden, Alberta if he could bring him to my place so he could have more room to run and play with other youngsters. Besides my colt and mare, I had another man’s five Quarter Horse mares and foals. It was like a wild nursery. Rowdy at that time was a smoky platinum gray with coal black points. That colt stayed on the move from morning till night.

Many times, Johnny asked if I’d like to ride Rowdy, but I was always too tired or busy. Finally, one day I said yes. I don’t know what I was expecting, but we single-footed down the road, and then when we got to a farm lane, I just picked up the reins, putting a little pressure on his mouth, and he took off.

I’ve ridden Thoroughbr­eds off the track and Quarter Horses at full tilt, but this was speed like no other. He was flying and I was sitting still--no bumps, no lunges, nothing but smooth. It was a ride I’ll never forget.

Johnny really loved that little horse and did everything he could to promote him and make him better. I don’t think Rowdy would have been half the horse he was in another person’s hands. Johnny was a great man, a great horseman and a great friend. I’m glad he and Rowdy were able to leave such a wonderful legacy. I miss him a lot. Babs Denham Jarvisburg, North Carolina

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