
• Abnormal hair growth

• Signs of pain

Q:I have a 5-year-old Miniature stallion. He was clipped in mid-spring due to the early hot weather we experience­d. Once the days became hot consistent­ly I thought he would grow in his summer coat. But what has happened is that he gets long coarse black hairs that cover his face and back and part of his belly. No sign of shedding or summer growth after the clip. I’m not sure what to make of this. It’s like he’s still trying to grow a winter coat. Hannah Ziccarelli Milford, Delaware

A:I see two possibilit­ies. The more likely one is that abnormal hair growth after clipping is normal for this horse. Your horse’s summer coat may well be growing in, it’s just slower than you might expect. Miniature Horses can have rather impressive guard hairs, and these may be more noticeable initially than other hairs. I would suggest simply waiting to see whether your horse grows in a

more normal hair coat over time.

More rarely, abnormal hair growth can indicate an endocrine (hormonal) condition. If the normal coat does not grow in, I would ask your veterinari­an to obtain baseline bloodwork, including a resting ACTH (adrenocort­icotropic hormone) level. An abnormal result on the ACTH test could indicate that your horse has pituitary pars intermedia dysfunctio­n (PPID, also called Cushing’s disease). Although this horse seems too young to have a pituitary dysfunctio­n, it can happen in younger horses.

Abnormal hair growth is a hallmark of PPID---typically, a long, shaggy winter coat that is slow to shed in spring---but other signs include lethargy, decreased performanc­e, excessive sweating, muscle wasting, low-grade laminitis and the developmen­t of fat deposits on the top of the neck, tailhead and around the eyes. Contact your veterinari­an if you notice any of these signs.

Your veterinari­an might also possibly do a skin biopsy of both the blackhaire­d areas and the non-affected areas for comparison. Stephen D. White, DVM, DACVD School of Veterinary Medicine University of California Davis, California

 ??  ?? FUZZY REASONING: Unusual hair growth may simply be normal for a particular horse or it may signal an endocrine condition.
FUZZY REASONING: Unusual hair growth may simply be normal for a particular horse or it may signal an endocrine condition.

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