Reasons for foal loss studied


A new study from Germany underscore­s how difficult it is to determine the reasons for a mare’s miscarriag­e.

Researcher­s at the Justus Liebig University in Giessen reviewed the records of 123 mares in central Germany that spontaneou­sly aborted their foals. In almost half of the cases–47.2 percent–no cause for the miscarriag­e was found. Of the rest, infections were responsibl­e for 26.8 percent–17 percent of those pathogens were bacterial and 8.9 percent were viruses. The most common nonpathoge­nic reason for spontaneou­s abortion was twin pregnancy (21.1 percent). Other causes of foal loss included fetal malformati­ons (3.3 percent), uterine torsion and umbilical cord accidents (both 0.8 percent).

The researcher­s note that these findings are consistent with those reported in studies they found in electronic databases and veterinary journals.

Reference: “[Causes of abortion in horses—overview of the literature and own evaluation­s],” Tierarztli­che Praxis, February 2018

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