
A new study from Israel provides more evidence of the healing power of honey.

The benefits of medicalgra­de honey (MGH) as a topical treatment for minor wounds have previously been establishe­d by numerous studies. Now researcher­s at Hebrew University of Jerusalem report that MGH can also aid healing of larger laceration­s in horses that require suturing.

Made by bees from nectar collected from flowers, honey is about 20 percent water and 80 percent sugars, but it also contains more than 200 different proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidan­ts. These compounds, along with the osmotic effect of the sugars, give honey antimicrob­ial properties, which enable it to inhibit a number of pathogens, including Salmonella and Escherichi­a coli. Raw honey may also contain potentiall­y harmful bacteria, but MGH is sterilized using irradiatio­n.

For the duration of the three-year study, several equine practition­ers who were treating horses with laceration­s that required suturing in the field contribute­d data.

After deciding that the laceration required repair, the veterinari­ans opened an envelope that randomly allocated the case to either the treatment or control group. In each treatment case, MGH gel was applied to the exposed tissues in the wound prior to closure. Otherwise, cases were managed exactly the same.

In addition, questionna­ires describing the nature of each horse’s injury, how it was treated and progress in healing were filled out by the veterinari­ans when each horse’s wound was sutured and again when the stitches were removed.

In all, the researcher­s collected data on 127 horses. Of these, 69 horses had MGH applied to their wounds prior to suturing, while 58 were control. Subsequent analysis, based on the case histories and questionna­ires, showed that the wounds treated with the MGH gel were three times more likely to heal completely without infection than were wounds treated without the honey.

The researcher­s conclude that “applicatio­n of MGH to laceration­s prior to wound closure may be beneficial in preventing infection and dehiscence,” a surgical complicati­on also known as separation, in which a wound reopens. They call for more studies to confirm these benefits while controllin­g for variables such as the location and size of the wounds.

Reference: “Intralesio­nal applicatio­n of medical grade honey improves healing of surgically treated laceration­s in horses,” Equine Veterinary Journal, March 2019

Wounds treated with medical-grade honey gel were more likely to heal completely without infection than were wounds treated without honey.

 ??  ?? ALL NATURAL: Made by bees from nectar collected from flowers, honey is about 20 percent water and 80 percent sugars, but it also contains proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidan­ts.
ALL NATURAL: Made by bees from nectar collected from flowers, honey is about 20 percent water and 80 percent sugars, but it also contains proteins, amino acids, vitamins, minerals and antioxidan­ts.
 ??  ?? INVESTIGAT­ION: Finding the cause of girthiness—resistant behavior when the girth is tightened—is especially challengin­g because there is no standard diagnostic methodolog­y for the problem.
INVESTIGAT­ION: Finding the cause of girthiness—resistant behavior when the girth is tightened—is especially challengin­g because there is no standard diagnostic methodolog­y for the problem.

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