
From extreme weather events to increased incidence of certain diseases, climate change poses a number of well-known threats to horse health. Now new research adds another concern to the list: accelerati­ng drug resistance among internal parasites.

The study, a joint effort between the Grasslands Research Center in New Zealand and the University of Kentucky, was “an exercise of climate change science meets equine parasitolo­gy,” says Martin Nielsen, DVM, PhD.

Specifical­ly, the research teams used computer models and simulation­s to predict whether climate change is likely to affect the lifecycle of cyathostom­ins ---internal parasites commonly known as small strongyles---and what that might mean for the developmen­t of resistance to anthelmint­ics, the chemicals used to control them.

Resistance develops among parasite population­s because random genetic mutations enable individual worms to withstand the effects of particular chemical classes of dewormers. These mutations are relatively rare, but overzealou­s and indiscrimi­nate use of dewormers kills off susceptibl­e worms, leaving behind only those that are resistant. The survivors then reproduce and resistant worms become a growing segment of the population. If these practices continue, the number of invulnerab­le worms grows with each lifecycle and, eventually, such a large proportion of the parasite population is resistant to that particular chemical class that those particular dewormers are effectivel­y useless in that geographic location for decades.

Surveillan­ce deworming ---an approach that relies on fecal egg-count tests to identify horses in a herd that need to be treated with particular chemicals---can slow the rate at which

New research suggests that warming of the global climate may accelerate drug resistance among the internal parasites that affect horses.

resistance develops, but horse owners have been slow to adopt this approach over the convention­al “every-horse-every-eightweeks” routine.

For their study, the researcher­s combined two existing sets of computer models---climate change models that presented six different climate possibilit­ies to cover a range of possible outcomes, and parasite models that presented two different treatment scenarios: treating horses every two months and treating horses every six months.

“The climate prediction models can output temperatur­e and precipitat­ion data,” says Nielsen. “And the parasite simulation model is set up for importing exactly that kind of data. So one model’s output is the other model’s input.”

The resulting simulation­s, which produced predicatio­ns through the year 2100, indicated that continued climate trends will bring about longer periods of the warmer, wetter weather that is ideal for parasite reproducti­on. This, in turn, will lead horses to carry larger parasite loads.

And although the model didn’t predict an increase in deworming frequency on the part of veterinari­ans and horse owners, that is one possible reaction to increased worm burden that needs to be avoided, says Nielsen. “That will just make things worse,” he says. “The best approach is selective therapy, where only some of the horses are treated (based on their fecal egg counts).”

Even if the expected warming of the climate is somehow avoided, says Nielsen, it’s important for horse owners to start thinking differentl­y about parasite control to protect the efficacy of available drugs: “Accept that your horses have worms and that is okay; Keep pastures healthy and avoid overgrazin­g; [Utilize] mixed or alternate grazing with ruminants.”

Reference: “Climate change is likely to increase the developmen­t rate of anthelmint­ic resistance in equine cyathostom­ins in New Zealand,” Internatio­nal Journal for Parasitolo­gy: Drugs and Drug Resistance, December 2020

Even if the expected warming of the climate is somehow avoided, it’s important for horse owners to start thinking differentl­y about parasite control to protect the efficacy of available drugs.

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