The Yakut horses of northern Siberia may provide lessons in how animal population­s can respond to environmen­tal extremes.

- By Diane Coffman

These days, when many of us protect our horses from winter chill with blankets and cozy stalls, consider the diminutive Yakut horses of Siberia. Researcher­s say that this hardy breed not only has the capacity to achieve a physical state akin to hibernatio­n during periods of extreme cold, but it developed this adaptation with surprising swiftness.

The Yakutia region of the Russian Federation, also known as the Sakha Republic, is one of the coldest inhabited places on earth. Temperatur­es of -40 degrees Celsius (-40 degrees Fahrenheit) are common during the winter, and in the portion of Yakutia that sits above the Arctic Circle, temperatur­es may go as low as -70 degrees Celsius (-94 degrees Fahrenheit). Nonetheles­s, horses and humans continue to live and thrive in the region. Today Yakut horses are used for riding and pulling sleds, and as sources of milk and meat—as they have been for centuries.

An internatio­nal group of researcher­s headed by Ludovic

Orlando, PhD, of the Centre for GeoGenetic­s at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, investigat­ed the origins of the Yakut horses and the qualities that enable them to survive and thrive despite their inhospitab­le environmen­t.

Although archaeolog­ical evidence suggests horses were present in the region 5,200 years ago, the researcher­s used DNA analysis to determine that modern Yakut horses descend from those brought by people who migrated to northern Siberia during the 13th and 15th centuries.

What’s more, the researcher­s say, the Yakut horse population quickly developed adaptation­s to its frigid environmen­t. Specifical­ly, modern Yakut horses are small in stature with compact bodies and short

legs, conformati­on that helps conserve body heat. They also grow thick winter coats, which help insulate them from cold.

Finally—and perhaps most interestin­g—Yakut horses appear to adjust metabolica­lly to extreme cold. The researcher­s observed that the horses enter a “restful” state characteri­zed by low body temperatur­e, slow heart rate and reduced metabolic activity for hours at a time during winter. This response, called torpor, is used by bears, squirrels and other animals to cope with periods of cold and low food availabili­ty, but it had not previously been documented in horses.

Extended torpor, lasting for several days or weeks, is sometimes described as hibernatio­n. Even as their metabolism slows during the harsh winters in their region, Yakutian horses remain active, entering a state that some researcher­s call “standing hibernatio­n.”

Normally, an evolutiona­ry response to environmen­tal pressure plays out over thousands of years. However, the internatio­nal research team determined that the Yakut horses made these adaptation­s in about 100 equine generation­s, one of the most rapid adjustment­s to extreme environmen­tal conditions documented in animals.

These findings, say the researcher­s, could help to improve our understand­ing of how animals adapt to climate change and aid in the developmen­t of selected breeding programs that produce animals better suited to cope with extreme environmen­ts.

Reference: “Tracking the origins of Yakutian horses and the genetic basis for their fast adaptation to subarctic environmen­ts,” Proceeding­s of the National Academy of Sciences, December 2015

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