F-100 Builder's Guide

Fat-Fender Babes


WELL, IT’S NO SECRET THAT MOST OF us can dig some big ol’ booty (TRUCKS! Lol) and with that we’re hitting the ground running and hunting out the most gorgeous fat-fender Fords out there. We’ve been scouring state by state and show by show to bring you the baddest, newest, cleanest F-100 builds around, and we think we’ve been doing a decent job at mixing it up between all of the generation­s.

But as mentioned in a previous editorial, we take our reader input seriously and we had a few emails come in looking to see more of the early year Fords. So, with that suggestion and advice, we found one of the baddest fat-fender builds to date and decided to put it front and center, smack on the cover of this issue. If you’ve ever heard of Juanky Built, then you know just how wild this build is—and we wanted to bring it to you first!

Although we also do our best to mix up the years and generation­s of trucks featured, we also realize that not every truck out there needs to be a full show truck. In fact, most are nice garage-built cruisers and we’re looking for more of these bad boys as well. One thing most readers might not know is that most high-end print mags really work hard behind the scenes making sure to find and feature the newest builds before other magazines snag them up. That’s the name of the game—new and fresh content. So, if a build has already been featured in multiple other truck mags out there, most likely we will have to pass on it to ensure we’re bringing you the latest and greatest, and not just rehashing what’s already been done.

With that being said, we’re putting together a special issue for next issue and need your help. We’ll be doing a “Hometown Heroes” special of sorts and looking for as many home-built garage cruisers as possible. Budget-builds, home-built, daily drivers, etc.—if it’s your Ford and you’d love to show it off, all you have to do is email us two to three highresolu­tion photos along with your name, year, make and model, and a short sentence or two on what all you’ve done to modify your Oval. Email submission­s to alexanderm­ediainc@gmail.com and make sure to include your contact info in case we need to get some more details from you. Thank you for all of the support as we continue to grow and report on the Ford classic truck scene the way that no one else can! See you out there!

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