First For Women


with a beautiful leafy bouquet



This Thanksgivi­ng, designers are styling textural rich-hued blooms in leaf-wrapped vases to echo the lush beauty of autumn. “Here, velvety red zinnias mingle with fluffy hydrangeas, creamy roses and crisp leaves, forming an abundant eyecatchin­g display,” notes floral pro Teresa Williams. “And the surprising leaf-tied vase draws attention from bottom to top—it’s the perfect centerpiec­e for any feast!”


Gather six large leaves from the yard and snip off stems plus

1 inch. Layer leaves around a 5" cylindrica­l vase and secure with yarn. Fill the vase halfway with water, then snip 8 red zinnias, 4 light-pink spray roses and 3 green hydrangeas to lengths between 5 and 9 inches. Insert the hydrangeas first, then add the other flowers one by one to fill the vase. To finish, fill in gaps by tucking in more leaves and vines.


Fresh-cut greenery tends to wilt quickly, so Williams and her team at the Gateway Florist in Annapolis, Maryland, suggest filling a spray bottle with water and spritzing leaves daily to prevent them from drying out or browning. Also smart: Rub a drop of olive oil on leaves twice a week to keep them supple. No fresh leaves? Cover a vase with faux craft-store greenery for a display you can use year after year.

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