First For Women

Or try one of our favorite skinny lattes


Creamy Hot Mocha

Combine 8 oz. of hot coffee, 1 tsp. of collagen powder, 1 Tbs. of coconut oil, 2 Tbs. of heavy cream, 1 Tbs. of cocoa powder and 4 drops of vanilla stevia.

Chocolate Peppermint Frappé

In a blender, combine 8 oz. of cold coffee, 1 tsp. of collagen powder, 2 Tbs. of MCT oil, 1 Tbs. of cocoa powder, 3 drops of peppermint stevia, 2 drops of vanilla stevia and 1 cup of ice. Pumpkin Spice Perfection

Combine 8 oz. of hot coffee, 1 tsp. of collagen powder, 1 Tbs. of MCT oil, 2 Tbs. of heavy cream, 4 drops of vanilla stevia and 1 tsp. of pumpkin pie spice.

Dandelion-Turmeric Swirl

Combine 1 cup of hot dandelion tea, 1 tsp. of collagen powder, 1 Tbs. of MCT oil, 1 Tbs. of grass-fed butter, 1 tsp. of turmeric, a pinch of black pepper and unflavored stevia to taste.

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